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Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Living With an All-You-Can-Eat Mindset

What happened to all those all-you-can-eat buffets like Furr's, Luby's, and Golden Corral where we could indulge in every variety and choice of meats, veggies, salads and desserts? Maybe it's the health conscious living that we have these days, but I loved the whole notion of paying a nominal price for any and everything that laid before us. The whole thing was ours for the taking, after paying a nominal price for all that food. We could go back as many times as we wanted – even if we only ate one bite of any one item.

An old gospel song I remember well goes: “Jesus has a table spread / Where the saints of God are fed / He invites his chosen people, come and dine.” Somehow, I think the “table spread” doesn’t mean a petite size portion. Since God’s storehouse is overflowing with abundance, why would we settle for a snack? GOD lays out in front of us a buffet line of blessings. He gives us unconditional love, amazing grace, everlasting peace. He is so creative, loving and generous. Imagine how many beautiful fruit trees must have been in the Garden of Eden! He said “No” to only one tree in the entire orchard. All the other trees were “Yes” options. Simple obedience is the nominal price for enjoying all the blessings we could ever hope for.

God has a Blessing Buffet just waiting for us to enjoy. He makes it so easy to love Him, draw close to Him and please Him. We forget that the very God who created this entire universe, Who holds the stars in place, and knows the exact number of hairs on our head, also knows our way. His favor rests on us as we seek after Him with our whole hearts. He holds the power to cause things to happen in just a moment that would take us years to do. He can line up our pathways to cross with others He wants us to meet. He can open doors that leave us surprised at how they open. He can close doors that He knows are not the best for us. He has a plan, in the good and every hard thing we face. And often the greatest blessings come after the greatest times of testing.

God will not allow any circumstance, or any person, to hold
us back from His blessing, favor, and purpose for our lives. We don't have to worry because we belong to Him. He is more than able to turn the toughest, darkest times, around for good. He will not waste our pain, but will use the difficulty of what we walk through for good and to bring blessing and freedom to others. His presence is with us and we can be assured in whatever we face, His plans for us are good. I'm taking all-I-can-get AND eat at this table spread with so many blessings! How about you?

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