My 13-year-old grandson is here with us for a few days. I have to share him now. Big cousin Payton gets his time. Quite a comparison between Nana's and Payton’s uptown apartment where the guys have their gaming fun, rooftop lookout, nerf gun wars -- guy stuff! But Bryson was ready for Nana’s “chill-place" where there is my old Nintendo 64 game that we played for hours, then for ice cream at the newly-opened Bruster’s Ice Cream, and not to be overlooked -- taking a trip to Dollar Tree. This time Bryson set the game-rules. He wanted us to pick five items each to make something.
Back at home, we worked on our projects. Twenty minutes later, were our “big reveals”. He purchased socks to make face masks. I purchased play dough, moss, little logs and a page of stickers. Bryson announced: "You win!" Lastly, we watched my favorite reborn TV show, "Extreme Home Makeover”. I get such feel-good feelings, inspired by the families that suffered some down-and-out situations and were completely turned around by the retored or newly built home for them. Bryson’s comment about it? "Cheesy!" LOL!
That “cheesy” comment reminded me of Simon Cowell’s comment when a couple sang and performed a magic act on America’s Got Talent this week. They sang "There were bells on a hill but I never heard them ringing. I never heard them at all, till there was you” while they, out of the air, pulled out red hearts and flowers. Simon buzzed them and said “Too cheesy!”
This day, July 8th, 1966, two "cheesy" kids' favorite song was "Till There Was You" and it was our wedding song this day, 54-years-ago. I am still cheesy about the 13-year-old boy who fell for this 12-year-old girl, got married at 17 and 18 and we lasted until death parted us…..temporarily.
I reminisce about a not-cheesy covenant made before God, this day. I believe those sacred vows and the covenant we made, gave us “sticking power”, when, many times, we could have cut bait and exited the drama and the shaky times when another day with each other seemed almost too much to handle. What was it that caused "until death do us part" to be the deciding factor that created an inseparable and unrelenting love that knew no end? It was that covenant of "For better or worse", for richer or poorer", "in sickness and health" and "until death do us part". Those were our promises to each other and before God. They stuck in the good and the bad times. I am saying.....tough times don't last...but tough people who give God first place in the mix of literally everything that concerns what sustains, equips, and remains forever true.
I’m sending kisses heavenward today because I know that’s where my Sweetheart is cheering me on to my finish line. What was it that mattered most while he was still on this side of heaven with me? What is it that matters most to me today? The ONE common denominator -- God, Who blessed us with 44 years of marriage on earth, and is still the ONE who blesses me on this side of heaven. God is still the ONE who continues to wake me up each morning with joy in my soul and a song in my heart. That “triangle” covenant: God, Ron and me – had sticking power. It was a signed, sealed and delivered covenant! It may sound a little cheesy -- but bring on that CHEESE!
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