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Tuesday, July 14, 2020

I Didn’t See That Coming

I just can’t make this stuff up. It’s Monday morning, 5:45 am. I am amped up and ready to attack this day with my ear buds in for my morning power walk I can see the sunrise barely peeking through. I walk on the street which is much kinder than some of the sidewalks that have little heaves in them. Out of nowhere, BAM, I go down like a wrecking ball! Nose, hands, knees bloodied with scrapes and contusions. I do a self-bone check. Thank God. No broken bones and no one seeing me cave!

My ear buds stayed securely in during the blow-out. The song, “Up Again” by Dan Bremnes, comes on with these chorus lyrics:
"Sometimes you lose, sometimes you win
You gotta get up, up again
Keep holding on, it's not the end
You gotta get up, up again. You can get up, up again!"

Laughing at God's sense of humor, I think, “I AM up again. Praise God. Nothing is broken so carry on!" But, reality sets in. I know I need to get home and assess the damages. I get almost home and realize, “Oh, no! I remember putting my glasses on my head because I didn’t need them to see. They must have gone flying when my nose hit the pavement.”

Oh me! The last place of remembrance before the fall was noticing a neighbor’s home under contract. I know beyond that is where the fall took place. I walked ever so slowly, scanning both sides of the street. Nothing. I walk back to the sold house and start over again. Nothing still. All the while, I am praying for my angels to guide me to my glasses. After all they are my ministering servants (Hebrews 1:14). I know I am partnered with my heavenly helpers.

Then, my lightning-fast-mind remembers. There had to have been a slight heave in the street that caught my foot that caused the stumble and fall. I scan the street up ahead and sure enough, there is an almost 3/4 inch heave. And just beyond it, are my glasses – unbroken, and so am I – slightly battered, but not broken. Thank God, no cars had come down that street.

The outcome. New rules for Donna. Eyes-wide-open to ensure stable footing. I didn’t realize that my blog, yesterday, would be Part 1 to this day's sequence of events. Bananas and a Good Idea, yesterday. Today’s Part 2 confirms again how Holy Spirit is with us -- bringing insight and wisdom when we need it.

There are just times when life happens, stuff happens, and inconveniences happen -- maybe from a lack of focus or simple carelessness or from not paying attention to God's Spirit in us. We could really get down on ourselves if we focused on the mistakes rather than the victories. I'm so glad that God forgives us time and time again. We should follow His lead and forgive ourselves for some of those crazy things we get ourselves into!

In times of uncertainty and literal up-heaval, we get up again and again, When I prayed and meditated, all that info about heaved places in the road came to mind. God is our all-sufficient One for everything we need. How could we NOT seek Him daily with our whole hearts? He isn’t a Holy slot machine that we put in a coin to get a win. But, He is a faithful, devoted Friend Who is always with us to help lead and guide us to what we need when we need it. The place to be to assure this kind of tight friendship is right here, right now. Thank goodness!

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