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Sunday, July 5, 2020

United We Stand – Divided We Fall

What has happened to patriotism, God and country, the pledge of allegiance to our flag and, “one nation under God”, and, with a hand over our heart, standing up to sing with honor, our National Anthem? But, rather than dwelling on the good old days, I am hopeful for good new days of true appreciation for freedom and love for our country.

What has happened to patriotism, God and country, the pledge of allegiance to our flag and, “one nation under God”, and, with a hand over our heart, standing up to sing with honor our National Anthem? But, rather than dwelling on the good old days, I am hopeful for good new days of true appreciation for freedom and love for our country.

Those words seem almost impossible, don’t they? But, not so, “with God – ALL things are possible” (Matthew 19:26). He has brought America from worse times than these. Maybe, you and I were set apart to be here during this time for God’s divine purpose that is renewed every day that we remain on the planet. Part of that purpose involves our place in the world.

It’s time to declare our dependence on God and each other like never before. Only HE can UNITE us in love and peace. Our Founding Fathers came seeking a new life but faced horrendous challenges. America's beginning was turbulent with economic pressures, wars, diversity, cultural challenges and crime. But God sees the end from the beginning. He knew the strength of the people who would become part of this land. They risked their lives and shed their blood for our future.

Though these are also turbulent times, I contend that our United States of America is still the greatest nation in the world. Whether we agree with each other or not, it still stands. I believe it is so because it still has a divine purpose. God is not through with America. As the "land of the free and the home of the brave," it's time to look beyond our own little circles and expand our vision toward the bigger picture. It's not just about "me and mine" anymore. It must be a UNITED effort at home and abroad.
We read in Scripture that "God so loved THE WORLD that He gave His only begotten Son" (John 3:16). Jesus did not stay in the security of His Father's house, but left it to fulfill His home and global mandate. He expects us to do the same. He said: "Go and make disciples of all nations." (Matthew 28:18-20).

God's kingdom is made up of all peoples and so is our nation. Our nation has a unique purpose, and you and I have a purpose in it. As people of God, we have a responsibility to fulfill that purpose. We are a melting-pot of many nations, peoples, tribes, colors, languages and creeds. We are not blind to these challenging times, but most encouraging is the opportunity to share God's great love to all mankind. The gospel is a unifier and is a catalyst for love, understanding, and harmony. We can reach out with the love of God, carry His presence and be used to heal, deliver, set people free and bring the good news of His forgiveness and eternal life.

The mission has come to our doorsteps. We must stand in the gap and pray for our nation to be all it can be and for our leaders, whether we like them or not. The Bible doesn't tell us to pray for the leaders we like, but for all those who have authority over us (1 Timothy 2:1-3). May we continue to celebrate our freedoms and thank God that we can fulfill His purpose in this "land of the free and home of the brave." Right here. Right now.

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