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Monday, December 21, 2020

Grandest Birth Announcement EVER!

The new birth announcement fad of “Gender Reveal” has seemed to take over social media. Lots of fun ways to announce a sweet baby girl or boy who will soon make their debut. Don’t you love it when a friend or family member shares the good news "We are Expecting!" in a cute photo long before the baby's birth -- and then is followed up a few months later by the BIG announcement to the world that their baby has arrived? As cute as those birth announcements are, can you imagine a birth that a mere photo or card could not contain the grandeur and magnificence of this baby's birth? This announcement was so colossal that all you had to do was look up at the sky and you saw it. And, that, my friends, is the way of this Dad -- Father God, Who created the heavens and the earth, and all that's in it, would announce the birth of His BOY! Apparently, the Christmas Star will be revealed tonight. Not really a star, but Jupiter and Saturn will appear so closely aligned in our sky that they will look like a SUPER STAR. The fact that this event is happening during the winter solstice is pure coincidence, according to NASA. Apparently the alignment of the planets is rare. One astronomer said "You'd have to go all the way back to just before dawn on March 4, 1226, to see a closer alignment between these objects visible in the night sky." Scientists suggest that this rare merging of Jupiter and Saturn may have been known as the “Star of Bethlehem” 3-2 BC, and since then, there hasn’t been a brighter, closer planetary conjunction. That means that this is the first opportunity of seeing it so clear for 2,000+ years! What a MASTER Plan! God planned a phenomenon all along when He was giving us mere mortals the STAR of the SHOW! Oh, there were always plenty of stars that lit up the skies to declare His glory and His grand and majestic creation, but this night, He placed a brilliant, glorious STAR up there that would point the way to the ONE TRUE LIGHT. All other stars in the sky, and all those who THINK they are "stars" on this earth, pale in comparison to our ONE TRUE STAR. This STAR, was also a travel guide that gave directions to the magi and led them to where the STAR lived. The Wise Men knew that this STAR was the promised gift from heaven. Yes, they brought gifts to Him to show their worship, but they went away knowing their gifts were insignificant to the GIFT He gave them. They received HOPE for their future, JOY for their journey, PEACE for their soul, and LOVE that exceeded anything or anyone. And the foremost point of this post today is..... that ONE TRUE LIGHT shines ever so brightly for us -- leading and guiding us. This world has plenty of darkness in it, but no worries -- because THE STAR and LIGHT shines brighter than EVER. And, like the Wise Men leaving with greater gifts than they brought to Him, that HOPE, JOY, PEACE, and LOVE are our gifts, too, freely given, and as we stay close to the STAR's brilliant LIGHT, and accept His gifts to us, we'll NEVER be in darkness.

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