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Friday, September 29, 2023

New Life from a Pig's Heart

Breaking news! On September 20th, surgeons at the University of Maryland Medical Center in Baltimore announced that they transplanted the heart of a genetically altered pig into a man with terminal heart disease who had no other hope for treatment.

Lawrence Faucette, 58, a Navy veteran and married father of two had terminal heart disease and other complicated medical conditions and was so sick that he had been rejected from all transplant programs that use human donor organs. Mr. Faucette said, “At least now I have hope and a chance. I will fight tooth and nail for every breath I can take.”

So far, Mr. Faucette, is said to be doing well, with the organ fully functioning absent any supportive devices. It boggles my mind to think about how brilliant man has become to bring about such phenomenal miracles. Researchers hope such surgeries will eventually provide a source of viable organs for those awaiting transplants. More than 6,000 patients die each year while waiting for donors.

Of course, this story reminded me of those whose heart issues are not with the physical heart, but their spiritual one. I thought about heartbreak, heartache, broken heart and every other type of “heart” condition that needs mending, healing, restoring. Many of us need that kind of heart transplant.

Psalm 34:18 says “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” We’ve all had our hearts broken in some way. How comforting to know that OUR Great Physician is right here to give us a heart transplant when we seek Him with our heart “issues”. It is His specialty.

For the heart that hurts from the passing of a loved one, He gives us a heart of beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness (Isaiah 61:3). For a cold, stone heart, He gives a soft, tender heart of flesh.

For a heart that’s guilty, He gives a heart that’s forgiven. For the heart that’s troubled, He gives a heart of peace. For the heart that’s anxious, He gives a heart that’s confident. For the heart that’s lonely, He gives a heart full of love. The heart that’s bitter and angry? He gives a heart that’s forgiving and loving and generous.

So, today, if your spiritual heart is barely beating, I pray you consider a heart transplant. I mean, go to God’s operating room where He heals the broken-hearted, sets the captive free, restores the years the locusts stole, breathes life back into your lungs, and creates beauty where there were only ashes.

Refuse the voices that lie and tell you you'll never be healed, you'll never get over the loss, you'll never forget the past, you'll never be restored, you'll never love again.

I assure you, as a “spiritual” heartbreak survivor, I know what it is to receive a new, restored and healed heart. A heart transplant by God assures that we'll be able to live again. Go to our GREAT Surgeon today. He promises to make all things new for those who receive His NEW heart and spirit. (Ezekiel 36:26)


  1. This is one of your BEST! Thank you for taking us to the peace zone with Jesus.

  2. Thank you so much for your kind words and encouragement. ❤️🙏


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