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Sunday, April 14, 2024

Let's Eat

You ought to see us at our Thursday night’s Mix and Mingle. I mean those of us who live at Everleigh Lakeline 60+ community. You would think that we were starving birds in the wilderness as we line up to fill our plates with another scrumptious meal.

Let’s eat! We love those words! They mean “dinner is served”! We are hungry. The kitchen is filled with nose-worthy aromas. We can barely wait when the hostess says “Let’s eat!”

Ever heard this prayer before a meal? “Good food, good meat. Good God, let’s eat!” And in case we start eating before we pray, we can pray: “Bless the Lord oh my soul and ALL that is within me!” (Psalm 103:1) Maybe Jesus was the first one to pray “God is great; God is good. Let us thank Him for our food. Amen.”

We’re still in the Easter season right on through to Jesus’ ascension. Imagine a breakfast of fresh, grilled fish and warm bread on the beach after pulling an all-nighter at work. Our host is none other than the newly risen Savior. This is one of my favorites “after resurrection” stories.

Let’s put ourselves in the sandals of the disciples. We are emotionally and physically exhausted. We have encountered the resurrected Jesus, twice. Somehow, He walked through walls and comforted us by saying: “Peace be with you!” He also gave us a vision for our next steps of life: “Just as the Father has sent me, so I am sending you.” (John 20:19,26)

But what do we do next? We are sure Jesus IS the Messiah, the Son of God. But we need to go back to work because we and our families need to eat. But nothing. Nada. No fish.

But Jesus. He knew what the disciples needed most. Something to eat. He calls to them from the shore and says: “Cast your net on the right side of the boat!” The resulting catch was humongous!

Then the Host, with the most, our Lord graciously offers them hospitality. He invites those who had earlier left Him to share a meal AGAIN with Him. For Jesus to feed breakfast to those failed men must not only have provided satisfaction for their stomachs, but grace to their souls.

The presence of the risen Lord signaled to those weary disciples that everything is going to be okay. He offers that to us, too! May I invite you to the table?

The table is spread where the Saints of God are fed. He invites His chosen people to “Come and dine!” Lord, please make my life less about me, and all about You!

Let’s eat!

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