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Saturday, July 13, 2024

God is Still in Control


We’re in the thick of “He said, She said,” with the race for our next president intensifying. I married a man passionate about our election privileges and responsibilities, so we keep vigil in our actions, reactions, and prayers.

Time flies in the election process, and soon we’ll be at our Election-serving posts where we’ll be assisting people of all faiths, backgrounds and persuasions in casting their ballots. 

In the meantime, there’s a lot of negativity and unkindness hitting the airwaves from both sides of the aisle.  I am personally reminded that for those who trust in God, Romans 12:17-18 offers wisdom: “Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everyone. If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.”

The repetition of “everyone” in this scripture is crucial. It reminds us to do what is right and live at peace, regardless of party, candidate, or platform. It can feel overwhelming, but with God, all things are possible. Jesus Christ remains Lord of all, and the King of Kings is still on His throne.

The success of His Kingdom does not hinge on any candidate or platform. Christianity has thrived for thousands of years in diverse cultures, under various leaders, from righteous to depraved. In our social media-driven world, we have a front-row seat to it all.

Our identity and bond in Christ transcends our allegiance to all politicians, policies, parties, and forms of government. Who we vote for is just temporary, who we are as God’s people is eternal. Knowing this should lessen our concerns and disagreements.

Dr. Jim Denison’s perspective says what I want to say to my dear friends and family: “We can put our trust in our elected leaders, but many will fail us. We can trust the media to inform us, but they are as fallen as we are. We can use social media to influence others, but we are as sinful as those we seek to persuade.”

It’s time for us to lean into God and His supreme wisdom and sovereignty which will always remain constant.  He offers us peace and hope amid the chaos in elections and in our lives.  Let’s trust Him and encourage others to do the same!



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