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Sunday, July 21, 2024

God's Providence

Perhaps you’ve already read the commentary from Jason Jimenez, Op-Ed Contributor, for The Christan Post. His words trump (no pun intended) my words today. I must pay it forward!

“From the founding of America to its present day, God's divine guidance has steered the course of events, protecting and preserving those who seek His favor. This enduring providence, a cornerstone of faith, manifests in remarkable ways, offering protection, wisdom, and strength.

When we talk about God's providence, we're talking about His absolute control and guidance over everything, making sure that His plans are carried out, even through the actions of flawed human leaders.

I can’t honestly tell you all the reasons why God providentially intervened to spare Trump's life, but it’s clear that He did. When God intervenes in such a public way, it’s usually His way of telling or reminding us He is in charge and is using certain people to advance His purposes on earth.

One of the most straightforward illustrations of divine providence is found in the life of the prophet Daniel. Exiled to Babylon, Daniel remained steadfast in his faith, and God elevated him to a position of significant influence. Even when facing the threat of the lion's den, the Lord miraculously intervened to protect His faithful servant.

I want to clarify that I'm not drawing a direct comparison between Trump and the prophet Daniel. But just as God’s providential hand was publicly displayed in Daniel’s life, so too was God’s protection over Trump televised to the world.

Harper’s Bible Dictionary states that the providence of God “is the will of the Creator who is actively involved in moving His creation to a goal."

I believe God is actively involved in Trump’s life and is using him to accomplish specific goals for America. That does not mean God approves of Trump's every thought, belief, or action. It means God can and often uses the most unlikely people and circumstances to accomplish His divine purposes.

Even though America's future seems uncertain, we can find comfort in knowing that a loving and all-powerful God is still guiding us and performing miracles. We may not know every reason why God operates the way He does in His creation, but we can trust Him.

Let's keep on praying for the healing of our nation and for the brave men and women who work every day to ensure our security and safety.”


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