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Saturday, July 6, 2024


Friends from our church invited us to come to their home in the beautiful hill country that backs up to Lake Austin. Their invitation included “cruising” down Lake Austin. From their boat slip, we enjoyed a guided tour, stopping many times to behold magnificent homes, including Michael Dell’s (Dell computers) estate that backs to the lake.


We were enamored by the grandeur that we would have never known about were it not for our tour guides. The cranes, ducks, geese and deer, along the way, seemed to let us know we were in their domain! We docked at a lovely restaurant for dinner.

This day held more for us than we could have imagined. Their beautiful home held magnificent artwork throughout. That’s because our friend, Gene Sellers, a former trial lawyer, celebrates life as an avid and gifted photographer.

Throughout their home were large, magnificent photos he had taken from high-end and high-resolution photo cameras. Unlike my cell phone’s camera, when I order a print – even an enlargement to 5” x 7” often comes out pixelated.

He invited us to select one of his beautiful enlarged framed photos. Of course, we selected the one of a church in the distance. Our friends were our giving and serving tour guides. They gave us their undivided attention. They bought our dinner. They gave us Yeti mugs and treated us like royalty. How could we have been so “privileged”?

Aw, PRIVILEGED! That’s those folks born into wealth or born in a certain ethnicity or born into a specific family of origin. Or is it? Our friends “privileged” us and proved this scripture to us: “God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.” Hebrews 11:6

Humbled by our friends’ time and giving hearts, we realized, as children in the royal family of God, we are blessed, favored and privileged with abundance.

Here’s good news for all of us. When we receive Christ by faith, we become His children. We are adopted into His family. "But to all who did receive Him, who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God." - John 1:12.

In Matthew 6, Jesus put it this way “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things (privileges) shall be added to you.” Indeed, we are privileged to be children of our Most High God Who daily offers us so many blessings.

P.S. Gene Sellers has traveled and photographed extensively in Europe, Iceland, and the Great American West. Gene is an international award-winning artist who has recently ranked #1 in the USA and #5 in the world. If you would like to know more about our friend and his heart, his talents, and art, please go to his website here:

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