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Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Time Sure Flies

Holy moly! Can you believe it? We've already blown through half of this year. Before we know it, we'll be pulling out our Christmas decor' and creating gift lists.

Remember when we were kids, and time seemed to crawl? Waiting for summer vacation felt like an eternity. I know time is crawling for my grandson and his fiancĂ©e as they await their wedding day in October. And don’t get me started with the long nine months waiting for a baby to arrive!

They say, “Time flies when you’re having fun!” but as a kid, fun or not, time never seemed to fly. Remember “Back to the Future”?

Michael J. Fox’s character gets whisked thirty years into the past in a time machine. If only we had a reset button or a time machine! But here’s the good news: we do get a fresh start every single day, armed with the wisdom from our past.

Sunday night, we watched the 2014 movie, “Interstellar". Dr. Brink says: I’m not afraid of death; I’m an old physicist. I’m afraid of time."

That statement made me ponder my own life. I know I have used a good portion of my allotted time on this earth. I think if I had known how things would turn out, I might have done a lot of things differently.

Maybe I would’ve stopped to smell the roses more, held my tongue more, been kinder, less judgmental, and reacted more thoughtfully to minor irritations.

We can’t change the past, but we have the power to shape our present and future. Let's not take life too seriously. We’re the pilots of our own journey, and in many ways, each day is a reset button.
Every experience, good or bad, shapes us into who we are today.

In many of my blogs I emphasize the importance of making memories each day and cherishing each one. Live like there's no tomorrow. Spread sunshine, give love and laughter, and bring life to those who need a dose of fun, faith, and friendship.

Sure, the bad news is that time flies. But the good news? We’re the pilots, guided by our Master Pilot, who holds our future in His hands. And if time flies when we’re having fun, then I plan on plenty of those fun times -- cherishing the laughs and gaining wisdom from the tears.

Either way -- I plan to make every moment count for living, loving, laughing and sharing God's good news from here to eternity! How about you?

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