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Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Who Do You Think You Are?

Maybe someone has asked you that question – especially when you stepped up your game and decided to take matters into your own hands. I love the way that Jesus REALLY knew who He was – no shadow of a doubt.

When Jesus spoke to the people, He boldly declared, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life.” (John 8:12). Jesus was defining Himself when He said those words.

Throughout the Bible, Jesus consistently described who He was: the door, the bread of life, the way, the truth, the resurrection, and the life. Jesus knew His identity with certainty, and because of this, He wasn't swayed by external pressures.

It is essential for us to grasp our own identity. When we're unsure of who we are – we often find ourselves trying to fit into molds of someone else. That’s a truckload of stress and constant fear when we try to act, live and be like others.

The way out of overcoming that pressure is having a deep, internal understanding of who God made us to be. We must know Whose we are to truly know who we are.

The Bible tells us that we were created by God, deeply loved, and accepted just as we are. God has a unique plan for each of our lives, and understanding this frees us to serve others genuinely.

Jesus often did things that defied the expectations of those around Him because He was secure in His identity. He felt no need to conform to societal pressures or seek validation from others.

He served others from a place of strength, whether it was healing the sick or washing His disciples' feet -- acts that shocked those around Him but were natural to Him because He knew Who He was and Whose He was.

May our identity be found in Christ. That’s when we can embrace the freedom that comes from knowing we are loved and accepted by God. When we understand this, we can serve others authentically and live out our purpose without fear or hesitation.

Just as Jesus knew who He was, we too can find confidence and strength in our divine identity.

I am – His daughter, His child, His heir, His righteousness. I know I am loved, favored, chosen, redeemed and adopted into the Family of God. You, too?

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