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Sunday, September 29, 2024

A Picture Perfect Moment… and a Raccoon!

There’s nothing quite like celebrating our anniversary surrounded by the breathtaking beauty of God’s creation here in Puerto Vallarta.

The lush palm trees swaying gently in the ocean breeze, vibrant flowers painting the landscape with color, and the sounds of tropical birds singing their joyful songs remind me of how wonderfully creative our God is.

The other night, Carl and I had just finished a delicious Mexican meal at La Cantina when we sighted two sisters dressed alike and I asked if I could take their picture. They posed like this wasn't their first photo opt. But what I was going for -- really -- was the raccoon who was photo-bombing them! LOL!

That little furry faced raccoon was living in the beauty and kindness of those around him who were giving him treats after treats. He was tame -- unlike those who are ravaging through trash cans. This little guy was soaking in the splendor of it all.

Now, I’ve seen photobombs before, but this one took the cake! The raccoon, as tame as can be, seemed to pose right alongside the girls. I learned he’d found himself quite a habitat here, being fed and doted on by visitors who treated him like a little celebrity.

As funny and unexpected as it was, it reminded me of how God’s creatures, great and small, have their unique way of bringing joy into our lives. And, how God cares for them in such beautiful ways.

It’s moments like these that remind me of Psalm 104:24, “How many are your works, Lord! In wisdom you made them all; the earth is full of your creatures.” From the majesty of the towering palm trees to the playful antics of a friendly raccoon, God’s handiwork is all around us, inviting us to marvel at His creativity.

Just like that raccoon, sometimes we find ourselves in places we didn’t expect to be, showing up in someone else’s picture, bringing a little joy and laughter. So, whether we’re exploring new paths or just photobombing a moment, let’s remember to celebrate the beauty of life and the Creator who made it all.

Here’s to embracing the unexpected, finding joy in the little things, and always giving thanks for the masterpiece that is God’s creation.
Blessings from Puerto Vallarta!

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