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Saturday, September 21, 2024

Created for Moments Like This

I saw this metal wall hanging in a store. I took a photo of it. It spoke to me because I remember the birth of my children. I knew I was created to bring them into this world.

It spoke to me because there have been times when I encouraged someone to carry on and not give up. Maybe I was the one that helped save their life.

Maybe we gently and intentionally encourage others toward a relationship with Jesus Christ because we have a relationship with Him -- and what a difference it has made in our lives.

Maybe with a testimony of God's grace and abundant blessings in our lives causes someone to inch closer to Him. We don't have to force-feed them, but we do start to see a difference in the softening of their hearts.

I believe, in all of us, God placed potential and purpose for moments that assure us why we were created. Queen Esther risked death by her boldness as she spoke out for her people, Israel. Mordecai spoke this: “And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?”

Could we be hearing the same words? As children of God, every day we can suit up for our royal positions too! We belong to our King. We have been set apart. Christ died on the cross for us. We are not our own. We were bought with a price. Immersed in His truth, there should be no doubt in our minds that there is a purpose for us.

You and I are here on this earth right now, during these times, and it's not by accident that we ARE here for a greater purpose than "our four and no more".

What if we are supposed to be part of the solution in turning the tide of a crisis in someone's life, in our community's need for change, and in our world's need for hope. I know this....God's master plan for our lives includes us being a conduit of hope and peace to others.

We should feel honored that God purposed and planned us to be here RIGHT NOW, for a reason that's bigger than ourselves. What if He put us HERE to be His light in the darkness, to be the "chosen ones" to positively impact and make a difference in this world -- that so needs life and light?

Are we realizing that God created us "FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS" to be that life and light?

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