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Monday, October 7, 2024

A Blooming Vine in God’s Perfect Plan

This blog comes with JOY! "Made with Joy" is the topic of our weekly Bible Study and, of course, we are JOY-filled that one of our "sisters" in our study, sweet mama Emily's baby girl, Vignette, recently made her debut.  

There’s nothing quite like the anticipation of a new life. The joy, the nervousness, the hopes that everything will go as planned. For Emily, the journey to welcoming her baby girl, Vignette Verlynn Ross, took a few unexpected turns -- quite literally.

Little Vignette decided to stay breech despite every effort to turn her. Many prayers were sent up for a smooth delivery, and while a cesarean wasn’t the original plan, it became the path that brought this precious life into the world.

Isn’t it interesting how, in life, we plan and prepare for things to go a certain way, but God often redirects us? Isaiah 55:8 reminds us, “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways, declares the Lord.”

Just like Vignette’s position couldn’t be changed by human hands, sometimes our own plans don’t align with God’s perfect design. But when we trust Him, even in the unexpected, the outcome is more beautiful than we could ever imagine.

Emily’s gratitude shines through as she reflects on the uncomplicated delivery and the joy her little “blooming vine” has brought into their family. The name “Vignette” (vin-YET) carries such rich meaning -- a small story within a larger one.

And isn’t that what each of our lives is? We’re all part of God’s grand, unfolding story. Vignette’s story, though just beginning, already teaches us that God is in every detail, every twist, and every turn.

As Emily shared, Vignette is not only their smallest baby but also came with the most hair, and her siblings, Maclin and Adelaide, are already smitten. This little vine, with a name that beautifully combines the heritage of her grandparents, is already blooming and bringing joy to those around her.

So, whether life follows our script or takes an unexpected turn, let’s hold onto the truth that God’s ways are always higher than ours. And if we trust Him, we’ll find the joy and beauty He’s prepared for us, just as Emily found with her precious Vignette. 🌿🌿🌿🌿

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