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Sunday, October 13, 2024

God Sees You – Right Where You Are

Let me ask you this: "When was the last time you glanced in the mirror and thought, "Well, there’s a masterpiece!" If you're anything like me, you’re probably more familiar with thinking, “Who is that tired person, and why do they have my face?”

But here’s the real deal, my friends: whether you love the reflection in that mirror or avoid it like it’s a bad selfie, God sees you. I mean really sees you, right where you are. Not the version of you that you wish existed — the one with all the wins, perfect hair, and no regrets — but the real you. And, best of all -- He’s crazy about you.

I know we’ve all been there -- maybe felt like we're not good enough, smart enough, or like we've messed up so many times that God’s love just can’t stretch that far. Newsflash!! God’s love stretches farther than any mess we can make. It’s not based on performance, and it certainly isn’t waiting for us to figure everything out.

Here’s the truth, plain and simple: You are His child, His masterpiece. "For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works....." (Ephesians 2:10). Yes, you, in all your imperfect, sometimes-wonderful, sometimes-struggling glory are His masterpiece.

And in case you need a reminder, God isn’t sitting up there with a scorecard. He’s lavishing love on you, just as you are. "See what great love the Father has lavished on us....." (1 John 3:1).

He loves you when you’re on top of the world, and He loves you when you’re binge-watching TV and wondering how life got so complicated.

So, what if you started seeing yourself the way God does? What if, instead of focusing on the parts of yourself you wish you could change, you focused on the fact that you are deeply and endlessly loved by the Creator of the universe? Spoiler alert: God doesn’t make mistakes, and He didn’t start with you.

You are seen. You are loved. And trust me, God isn’t finished writing your story yet. So next time you pass by that mirror, give yourself a wink and remember: you’re a child of God, a masterpiece in progress, and that, my friend, is something truly amazing.

We are God’s best work of artistry. We're not going to be God’s best work of artistry. We already are. We're already His masterpiece in Christ Jesus. Let's let this truth anchor us from here to eternity!

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