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Thursday, October 17, 2024

Just Take the First Step


Oh how sweet the memories of helping my children and grandchildren take their first steps.  It was an achievement for them, but even more so, it was an achievement for us. 

Jesus understands children and He understands us.  He Who created water certainly knew His ability for walking on water.  Nowhere do we read about Him practicing walking on water before He walked on water.   Can you imagine the joy that He had when He took His first step on the water? Talk about great faith!  But, then there’s Peter – he had his moment too!  It’s like a baby wobbling toward their parents, eyes wide with wonder.

We don't scold babies when they stumble; we cheer them on, over and over. We are the great coaxers.  Coaxer defined is someone who pleads with someone and tries to persuade them to take a step of faith.  Then, instinctively, they say, “I can do this!” 

Doubt and fear was all around Peter – the winds, the waves, the disciples who were cowering in fear, but just like that, Peter started walking on water. But he took His eyes off of Jesus and fell in those stormy waters.

Jesus didn't scold him for doubting. He reached out His hand and lifted him up, smiling as if to say, “You’ve got this, Peter!”  Peter was the only one willing to step out, to trust, to try. And even when he began to sink, Jesus patiently waited for him—like a loving parent, waiting to catch their child as they fall.

Isn’t that like our walk with God? We take a step in faith and sometimes we stumble! But Jesus is always there, ready to reach out and pull us up, ready to cheer us on as we learn and grow.

Each step may be shaky, but with each one, we become more like Him—just like Peter, who became a pillar of the church, all because he dared to take that first wobbly step out of the boat.

Maybe you’re going through a rough patch right now.  And, to consider stepping out of the boat or taking a leap of faith to do this or go there – seems ominous!  But DON’T let fear paralyze you.  The next time you feel unsure or hear the whispers of doubt, remember Peter’s courage, and more importantly, Jesus’ patience.

Let’s keep taking those steps, trusting that God is right there with us, cheering us on -- again and again!


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