Here we are – decades later and we can unfriend someone with the tap of a button. I don’t “unfriend” but rather “unfollow”, usually because of their language, their rants, their lack of self-control. I still want them to follow me – hopefully, so they’ll catch some Light if they pass by my blog.
Our lives are about relationships -- with Jesus and with people He’s created. Period. What concerns me most is that people fail, disappoint, act up and act out, they let it rip – their language, I mean, without a thought or concern. I really do want to unfriend them because my little Pollyanna world needs to stay all peaches and cream. Right?
Good thing I’m not a god who carries a big stick. I’d be whack-a-moleying those ornery folks all over the place. I’m done with their lack of love, lack of decorum and lack of common sense. If some of them were my friends, I would unfriend them without a second thought. Go ahead, God! Let ‘em have it!
Then comes along the full-volume, yet gentle voice of God, with His personal guarantee, "I will NEVER unfriend them." Argh! But, please, God! Then God’s gentle tap on my shoulder reels me back into what His grace is all about.
Our God would die before He would unfriend anyone. Fact is: our God did die rather than unfriend us. “Greater love has no one than this: than to lay down one’s life for His friends." (John 15:13)
Jesus didn’t leave, unlike, or unfriend one of his twelve closest friends. Not even when they deserved it. He’s not about to start with you and me. Instead, He kept on keeping the promise He first made that He would never leave or forsake His people.
This is the God who moved into our neighborhood to be our friend. To know all about us and still love us. This is the God who has pursued you and me since before time and who never considers us a waste of time.
This is a God who died on a cross to reach our hearts and souls to rescue us. We are loved – in spite of, because of, and instead of, but – do we believe it? Do we believe ours is His Love Story and in His Love Story – the Lover never leaves us.
My precious and beloved friends – let Him love you and wrap you in His grace and mercy. Just say “yes” – ACCEPT His “friend” request. He will take away all your sin, failings, fear and give you His own life – life to the full. "I came that they may have life and have it abundantly." (John 10:10) You are loved!
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