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Monday, November 25, 2024

Our Thanksgiving Week Begins

Awww.....beautiful Thanksgiving Week -- the time we really focus on God's multiplied blessings to us. Though it's the mindset we should have all year through, this week we get to purposely hone in on what's most important to us. I'm in "game-on" mode for all that this week will hold.

But, before I go to that high energy "Martha" mode, I must pause this morning, in these wee hours and settle into the "Mary" mode to reflect on the beauty of what this upcoming holiday is all about.

First, I am so grateful that America continues to set apart a day each year for giving thanks. Whew! That's a close one! Aren't we so grateful that those who keep trying to remove the values that our country was founded upon -- prayer, Christmas, "In God We Trust" and "The 10 Commandments" and other matters that exclude our Sovereign God, haven't been successful with removing Thanksgiving?

And I think it's a double blessing that most of us still believe that Thanksgiving is a day for giving thanks to God, not just a time for feeling vaguely thankful while loading up on turkey and pumpkin pie, watching football AND perusing all the Black Friday ads!

May we not forget the heart of Thanksgiving. In fact, it may seem like a cliche, but I believe Thanksgiving should be a part of our DNA where that spirit of gratitude is at the very core of our lives. Just being grateful to wake up in a warm bed. In fact, being grateful we WOKE UP -- considering the alternative. Grateful to be vertical -- not horizontal. And the list could go into pages for so many other blessings we have.

Happy Thanksgiving, my dear friends! I am so grateful you stop by my daily blogs and posts. You are the reason for my mission to “go tell”! I like to think when Jesus told Peter to "Go tell...." (Mark 16:7, he was giving me the same message to "Go tell", too!

God bless you and yours this Thanksgiving week and may we all determine to have thanks-living lives every day!

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