Fast forward to the dad, Jacob, and Joseph, his son (his favorite son -- okay, that's already screaming "TROUBLE"). Why would a dad ever favor one of his kids over the other? But he did, and young Joseph became the target of his 10 brothers -- to not just bully him but to kill him. Fortunately, their evil plot was thwarted.
Obviously, people’s issues -- judging, bullying, gossiping, jealousy, arguing, etc. have been a part of humanity from the beginning. It's unfortunate what all those "issues" do to people. That's why it's so important that we go to a higher level -- a place of love, care, and compassion for each other.
Jesus said, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Luke 6:31. And He reiterated, in John 13:34, “So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other."
Maybe you're the one who is being judged and bullied or lied about. Maybe you feel like no one really cares about you and you think that you don't really matter. Here's the truth about MATTER:. YOU ARE LOVED! Don't let people get inside your head to make you think otherwise.
You are loved. You are a one-of-a-kind original and no matter what you think and what others say about you, God loves you so much and you are His masterpiece. He sent His one and only Son to pay the ultimate price for YOU. That's TRUE LOVE! He took the high road. It's time for us to take the high road, too.
The psalmist says that God formed us with great care. It's the picture of a potter expertly crafting his art at the potter's wheel. You and I were formed by the Creator for a purpose. He formed us and filled us with unique gifts and talents.
God filled our lives with a supernatural destiny. Never should we believe that we were overlooked or forgotten by God. Destiny and purpose was given to all of us.
We really do matter! So don’t even think about giving up! WE ARE LOVED. Now, let’s get out there and own our places on this earth, at this time, to stand out and be the best we can possibly be!
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