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Thursday, March 13, 2025

Got Satisfaction?

Satisfaction. We all crave it. A full belly after a good meal. A restful night’s sleep. A paycheck that actually covers the bills. A “Well done!” from the boss. A spouse who meets our every need (okay, let's get real -- only God can do that)!

Remember that old Rolling Stones song: “I can’t get no satisfaction”? Turns out Mick Jagger wasn’t alone. People everywhere are searching for something -- anything -- to fill that inner void. They chase after dream jobs, dream homes, dream relationships, convinced that this will be the thing that finally makes them whole. But more often than not, the dream turns into another exhausting chase.

The Psalmist had a different take: “O satisfy us in the morning with Your lovingkindness, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days.” (Psalm 90:14)

Now that’s what I call true satisfaction!

Take Howard Hughes, for example. At 45, he had it all -- billions in the bank, Hollywood’s finest on his arm, and private jets whisking him away to wherever he pleased. But by 65? He was a recluse, holed up in dark hotel rooms, his body frail, his mind tormented, his heart empty. All that wealth, and yet no joy. No peace. No satisfaction.

That’s the danger of looking for fulfillment in things that were never meant to satisfy us. When God is left out of the equation, life can be hollow -- no matter how much we pile into it.

Jesus flipped the script in Matthew 5:6: “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.” Not might be satisfied. Shall be. That’s a guarantee, backed by the only One who never breaks a promise.

The world will try to sell us satisfaction in a hundred different ways. Satan will whisper, Just do what makes you happy! Even our own minds will tell us, If I just had ______, then I’d be content. But the only real and lasting satisfaction comes from being filled by the One who created us.

Have you ever met someone who radiates true contentment? The kind of person who isn’t chasing the next big thing but instead overflows with peace and joy? That’s someone who’s been filled --not by wealth, status, or circumstances -- but by Christ Himself.

And when He is our satisfier? Everything else falls right into place.

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