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Thursday, March 6, 2025

Let's Go to the Desert

Yesterday began the 40 days of Lent. It isn’t just a season; it’s a journey -- a deliberate walk into the desert, not to suffer, but to be refined. It’s a time to come clean, inside and out, setting aside distractions to hear God more clearly.

On purpose for my mind, heart, soul AND body well being, I need this time with God to work on me -- ALL OF ME. To put it bluntly -- I've been eating like there is no tomorrow -- my bad.

And, sometimes I've been grumpy with an attitude that sure needs refinement. I've even said, “I’ll get back on track when Lent starts.” But Paul’s words challenge me: “I discipline my body and make it my slave…” (1 Corinthians 9:27).

So, I’m choosing discipline -- strengthening my body, embracing better habits, and letting go of what clutters my soul. But Lent isn’t just about saying no -- it’s about saying yes to renewal.

David’s prayer speaks my heart: “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.” (Psalm 51:10)

If I had my way, Lent would be smooth -- no struggles, no hunger, no deserts. But Jesus didn’t avoid the desert; He walked into it. For forty days, He fasted, battled the enemy, and emerged ready for His ministry. That’s the purpose of the desert -- not to break us but to strengthen us.

It’s tempting to think struggles mean we’re failing. But what if they mean we’re walking with Jesus? The desert wasn’t His punishment -- it was His preparation. And ours can be too.

So, Lord, take me into the desert -- not to leave me there, but to meet me there. Strip away what doesn’t matter and draw me closer to what does.

That's how I hope to come out of this Lenten season -- empowered to love greater, being a stronger, devoted follower of Christ, and shining brighter with His bright light. Won't you join me in the desert?

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