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Thursday, June 24, 2010

Our Chief Surgeon!!!

"Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."

Those are the words (God's words) that rang in my heart many times in the last 2-1/2 months since first receiving the news and diagnosis that Ron, my precious husband of 43 years, has renal cell carcinoma cancer and that he was facing the risk of paralysis if we did not immediately have a tumor that was compressing his spinal cord removed. That surgery, on April 12th, was very successful! Then we learned of another tumor that was in another vertebrae and, subsequently, had cyber knife radiation to destroy that tumor. Of course, the main tumor culprit was in his kidney, so this week, that surgery took place.

Ron's sister, Karen, gave us this beautiful picture of Jesus guiding the surgeon's hands. That is the mindset we've maintained throughout this journey. Prior to each of these surgeries, Ron has held the hands of the surgeons and prayed that God, our Chief Surgeon's hands, would be directing our surgeons' hands. And with each surgery and procedure, we believe we are moving one step closer to total healing. As I said at the beginning of this blog, finding that place of peace -- not fearing the path that laid before us, but trusting God for His unfailing plan to be in place in our lives has been our focus. That has been our coping mechanism during these times of uncertainty and turning to that place of peace and rest only found in trusting God and His unfailing Word. That peace is really….undescribable, but explained best in scripture…..Philippians 4:7 "And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." And Jesus Christ said, "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." John 14:27.

Today, June 24th, we're still in the hospital as Ron recovers from the surgery on Tuesday (June 22, 2010). Two surgeons removed his gall bladder, right kidney and adrenal gland. Two immediate prayers were answered for us as all this was done laproscopically -- 4 small incisions instead of open surgery -- which means a shorter recuperation period. And we are at the new Oklahoma Heart Institute -- a division of Hillcrest Hospital -- not because of a heart issue, but because of God's favor to have a beautiful, new, private room and receiving excellent care. The pain from the surgery is gradually dissipating, dear friends are bringing us communion daily, and the prayers and encouragement of our faithful and loving family and friends are what is giving us the extra boost to "finish strong"!!!

Words we heard today: "Adversity causes some to break....and others to break records!" We're going for the gold and expect to break a lot of records!!


  1. I would like to ask permission to share the above photo. I will be having surgery soon and would love to share this with my prayer partners.

    to God be ALL the glory

  2. the artist should be copyright protected if you post this on the site. his web site is

  3. the artist should be copyright protected if you post his picture on your site, please make it protected, now it can be copied,
    his web site is

  4. Amazing Grace..I walked into my surgeon's office today..I had an appointment in concern about an abnormal cyst located in my left breast..I am a True and Faithful Believer. Once I laid eyes on this picture. .I knew. .ALL IS WELL. .Prayers Works..PRAY FOR ME.


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