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Sunday, July 4, 2010

He Makes Me Lie Down in Green Pastures

Never so clearly have those words been understood, and felt, as they have been in the last few weeks. During the time of recovery from the recent surgeries, I watched my Honey embrace the solitude and peacefulness of our bedroom where we have a comfortable double recliner that overlooks the beautiful lake that adjoins our back yard. But I was becoming quite concerned that he may be retreating from life. Then yesterday, he explained his action (or the lack, thereof). He said that when he received the first diagnosis report back in April, a peace fell over him that passed his natural understanding – he said he was in neutral – no fear, anxiety, or concern, but standing solidly on God’s Word. He said when we first prayed for his healing, he believed he was healed! And that is where he has stayed – he believed – case closed. From that point to now, Psalm 23:2,3 -- “He makes me lie down in green pastures; He leads me by still waters (literally – our lake)….to restore my soul…” has been his M.O. (mode of operation).

It’s been almost two weeks since my Honey’s surgery, and I’m so thankful to report that he grows stronger, and the pain becomes less daily. He’s a lean machine these days as he has lost over twenty-five pounds during the last 2-1/2 months, and now we’re diligently working on helping him get his appetite back so he can gain back some of those pounds. He boasts a little about the fact that he needed to lose some of his excess weight anyway.

We went to his oncologist last week. We were told that having the kidney removed, has opened the doors for “protocol” for a new chemo therapy treatment to attack the remaining cancer cells. So that has left us, in addition to our prayers and belief system, with seeking God for wisdom on the options that lay before us: on moving forward with chemo, not do chemo, and/or simply attack this with nutrition, or a combination of all. A lot of voices are speaking to us these days (we embrace those voices because Proverbs 11:14 says, “….in a multitude of counselors, there is safety.”), and we realize each of those voices belong to people who, like us, are on their own faith journey and each may express their opinions based on their own experiences or conveying what they have seen and/or heard. We believe that God has given us His very best when it comes to our medical team, so we will listen to their advice, counsel and recommendations. We are taking in all of the information and knowledge available to us. Then, as we are directed by the Holy Spirit, we’ll make the right decision as to how to proceed forward.

So, here we here, in one of the greatest challenges we ever experienced, yet fully confident that God, who has guided us to this point, will carry us on to completion. We’re learning what our faith journey entails, as we go!

Isaiah 30:15 says “For thus says the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel; in returning and rest shall you be saved; in quietness and in confidence shall be your strength….” Ron is convinced that in quietness and confidence in God’s faithfulness, he will be strengthened. The word for quietness in Hebrew means “repose”. And repose means calm, relaxed, free from all anxiety, to be still, to lie down with support underneath (like the green pastures in Psalm 23).

Yes, our great faith adventure continues and, yes, there are times that we have some “valley” experiences instead of the mountaintop, but we continue to go back to that place of rest and peace and comfort that only comes when we bear the fruit of a calm spirit, quietness of heart and peace with God. That’s when all the clamor and activity are shut out and we clearly His voice saying, “This is the way….!” Please continue to pray with us that we clearly hear His voice for our next phase of the journey! In all of this, we continue to pray for you and all our friends and family members for God to guide and bless daily!

1 comment:

  1. This blog has blessed me. He would be in my prayers......


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