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Thursday, July 29, 2010

V is for V-I-C-T-O-R-Y

Knowing my Honey would be going into surgery tomorrow (Thursday), I called on my "walking/praying" buddies, Karen and Sheila. It was time to declare VICTORY as we made our seven laps around the hospital. It had been a very hot day in Tulsa -- pushing 98 degrees with a heat index of 105 degrees, but when we started our "march", we felt a sweet breeze that was fragranced with the flowers around the hospital. Looming up above were dark clouds, but as we started out, we were enraptured by the bright light that was coming at the very top of the cloud formation. Once again, we were reminded that Jesus is our Light and we have nothing to fear. At one point, on our 5th lap, we noticed what we thought was a deer lying in the wooded area, only at a closer look, realized it was a tree log shaped like a deer. But that inspired Sheila to lead us in singing "As a deer panteth for the water, so my soul longeth after Thee; You alone are my heart's desire and I long to worship Thee; You alone are my strength, my shield; to You alone may my spirit yield. You alone are my heart's desire and I long to worship Thee!" Such victory did we feel in our hearts as we began to take our final 7th Victory Lap. This time, we walked by Ron's room and looked in the window and gave him the "V" is for victory hand sign. Then we sang "Victory in Jesus" and as we turned the corner at the front of the hospital, marching almost parallel, and in sync with us was a family of geese, led by the Mama and Papa, followed by six little ones. We counted and there were eight altogether -- eight is the number, I thought, of completion. But Ron later told me, "No, eight is the number of new beginnings!" I liked that. As we then turned the corner to the North of the hospital we heard "honk, honk, honk" to which we thought were our Geese Family, but we turned and looked up and above us flew a perfect formation of geese flying in a perfect "V" and as we watched them fly over us -- lightning bolted across the sky. We said, "Awe, God's fireworks!"

So, of course, having that exciting, stirring and faith-building marathon, we expected great and wonderful things coming out of today's surgery. I was completely prepared for an "above and beyond" story to tell my friends and family tonight. It was especially encouraging when a friend, who didn't realize Ron was having surgery today, sent these word to us: Joshua 1:6,7,9 "Be strong and of good courage; only you be strong and VERY courageous; Have not I commanded you? Be STRONG, VIGOROUS and VERY COURAGEOUS. BE NOT AFRAID." We were receiving words that we needed to apply to our lives today….and then act on them.

I later realized that the effects of our walk and God's words to us, prepared us for the strength, support and faith that we would need today. After about 3 hours of surgery, our neurosurgeon came to us very solemnly and said, "I'm so sorry. I have bad news!" Then he proceeded to detail the surgery -- he said they found a very vascular tumor that had reoccurred at the T-11 site (the same location as his first surgery). He further told us that he had been able to remove the portion of the tumor that was compressing the spinal cord, but could not get it all because of the significant amount of blood loss and low blood pressure. It was determined that the surgery needed to be halted at that time. At this point, I asked, "Is he alive?" Then I think he realized that in his desire to comfort us with details, he forgot to assure us that he was stable and in recovery. We were delighted to hear that he was able to move his legs, and even more importantly….expressing to the nurses during recovery, "When can I eat? Can anybody get me something from Panara Bread?" In fact, right now, several hours later, though he feels the effects of the surgery, he's resting comfortably in his room, and has now passed the jello and beef broth test without nausea and now he's moving on to chicken noodle soup and crackers and Oreos.

Most certainly, last night's Victory rally and walking marathon prepared us and gave us the faith boost we needed for today. We were given other future possibilities in Ron's health and well being that didn't sound all that encouraging, but, without any reservation, we proclaim "God has not changed. His promises have not changed. God holds our future and we will make it. We know that this faith journey is guided by the One who loves us most, desires to bless us with good things, and who promises He will never leave us or forsake us. We continue to stand for our miracle……Matthew 19:26 "With man this is impossible, but with God, all things are possible." We will not give up or give in…'s not over until we win! VICTORY!!!

Once again, thank you so much for your continued prayers and support!

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