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Monday, August 9, 2010

Nurse Donna On Duty 24/7

At age 14, I was a Candy Striper at a hospital in Dallas. The unique job title represented the candy cane look of the red and white-striped pinafores we wore. Back in those days, I aspired to one day being a nurse, so, like other teenage girls, we volunteered to assist the nurses at the hospital by serving the patients in basic ways (i.e., taking them flowers and mail, refilling their water jugs, carrying medical specimens to the lab, etc.). But, those plans were dashed when I married my handsome 18 years old sweetheart when I was just out of high school, and just 17 years old, and then worked as a receptionist and bookkeeper to help put him through college. Then the next year, when I turned 18, I gave birth to our son. If I had it to do all over again…….I’d do it all over again…… changes, because it’s been the journey that God destined for us! Looking back through the rear view mirror and being constantly living in the “if only” stages of our lives does not serve us well. God is always telling us to “press on”, go forth, rise and shine, and "remember not the former things"! And, that’s what we’ve been doing for 44 years now.

Fast forward to August, 2010…..after 3 weeks and 2 days in the hospital and the fifth surgery in 3-1/2 months, we are so thankful to finally be at home. Aw…home sweet home…there’s just no bed like “our bed”. But “home” has become somewhat of a make-shift hospital as here I am, at last, being a nurse, but not exactly as I dreamed it would be. Though the severe staph infection has been cleared up per the negative lab reports, my Honey must still be on antibiotics by I.V. for 6-8 weeks to ensure the infection is long gone. So, with a brief training program from our Home Health Care Nurse, I am officially giving him the antibiotics by I.V. three times a day. I’ll admit my hesitancy to take on such a role that I only witnessed the professional Registered Nurses performing in the hospital. It did seem overwhelming at first with so many sterilizing techniques, flushing the lines, clamping and not clamping, and calculating the drip timing, but like a good student who practices and prepares, I’ve got it down pretty good – 6 a.m. – 2 p.m. – 10 p.m.

Pressing through the intense back pain that has continued throughout our journey, and now having to use a walker to assist him in regaining strength to his legs that were so affected by the tumor that had compressed his spinal cord, Ron has prevailed as the known optimist that he has always been. His ability to smile in the face of overwhelming personal challenges has been amazing, not to mention the fact that his work abilities have been affected. Trusting God for provision has been another huge portion of our faith journey. But we continue to insist that our soul (our will, our mind and our emotions) prospers and is in great form! We realize that maintaining a positive and peaceful attitude (soul prosperity) is key as in I John 3:2 “Beloved, I wish above all things that you may prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers.” Physical Therapists will be starting to work with him this week to further assist him.

Today was one of those roller coaster days again as we went to two doctors: the urologist and the oncologist. Neither gave us favorable reports and I’ll confess that I’ve had one of those days where the tears flow in unbelief that in such a short time that we could be faced with so many complex health issues. As reported by the oncologist today, “Because of the fast growth, we must begin chemo treatments immediately.” So we are scheduled to start chemo this Friday (via I.V. in the oncologist’s office for one hour) for the next 12 weeks. We were told “chemo doesn’t cure, but it does slow down, and many times remission takes place”. We’ll believe for that!

So Nurse Donna is on duty, and it’s about time to give my patient his next I.V. We are no less in hope and faith, because God’s Word is still our surest foundation in every turn of the road in our journey. We are strengthened and encouraged by the continuous acts of love and support that is coming our way from our wonderful and dear friends and family. We know your prayers are giving us the tenacity to "STAND" and press on to the finish line. I’m reminded of the words of a song of one of my favorite gospel recording artists, Donnie McClurkin, “Stand”. I leave these words with you to encourage you on your faith journey wherever that may be for you today. Much love to you all! Ron & Donna Wuerch

“STAND”, by Donnie McClurkin
Tell me what do you do when you've done all you can.
And it seems like you can't make it through
Child, you just stand. You just stand. Stand.
Don't you give up!
Through the storm, through the rain.
Through the hurt, through the pain.

Well, you just stand,
When there's nothing left to do
You just stand.
Watch the Lord see you through.
Yes, after you've done all you can,
You just stand.

Don't you bow, don't bend.
Don't give up, don't give in.
Hold on, just be strong.
God will step in and it won't be long.

Child you just stand!

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