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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Movement of Gratitude

My Honey, unable to move his legs because of spinal cord compression, just received his Sequential Compression Device (SCD) and boots. He looks like he has on hip waders and ready to go fishing – a very good thought indeed! The boots will provide stimulation and help with blood circulation to his idle legs and feet.

Our daughter, Staci, who is so passionate about health and nutrition, as well as being physically fit, is even more driven as she knows so many people who have all their physical abilities, but don’t use them as they should. She says, “Dad can’t move and would love to, while there are so many people who can move, but don’t!” I’ll admit my own lack of physical activity in the last several months, while caring for my Honey, but it looks like my excuses are over. Staci is leading the way in a “Movement of Gratitude” or, as she is calling it this year “Run for Ron” on November 21st, 2010 at the Tulsa Route 66 Marathon! I snuck upstairs today to my treadmill to get myself moving again….and get ready for this “Movement of Gratitude”! And, to top it off, I just received the call from my son, Ryan, who will be flying in from Hong Kong,and will be running the full Route 66 Marathon (26.2 miles). His wife, Shawntel, and all four boys (oldest grandson coming in from Marine Military Academy in Texas -- the rest coming from Seattle) and will be joining us in the 5 K Run/Walk. The following is Staci’s words and explanation. Thank you so much for reading and getting involved with us!

Movement of Gratitude



Sunday morning, when I was getting ready to go see my father, who is now at home on hospice after months of surgeries, treatments and other interventions to assist in the battle of his life with Stage 4 Kidney Cancer that metastasized to his vertebrae, I had no idea that I would soon have an epiphany of monumental proportions that would lead to me being registered for the Route 66 Marathon in Tulsa.

You see, though being fit, I am NOT A RUNNER. This morning, however, as I spoke with a friend who has needed to lose 30 more pounds to get to a total of 200 pounds lost in 2 years, I encouraged her to set a goal to do the Route 66 – 5K. I don’t know what came over me, but I even offered to do it with her. YIKES!

I immediately signed up and my mind went into gear thinking about my father, who is bed-fast and unable to move from the waist down because his spinal cord is compressed from the now, inoperable tumors. My mind started processing the perfect timing of the Route 66 Marathon and how it is an opportune time to “give thanks” for our ability to move, whether it is walking, running, or even crawling by getting out and “moving” with the intent of taking 30 minutes or more to just focus on the blessings we DO have.

As I type this, I am sitting beside my father’s bed and I realize that this race has the potential to be something bigger than I could have imagined. My dad, Ron Wuerch, is a man of great faith who has lived his life serving others. He has traveled to third world countries, providing aid to families in great need; he has spent countless hours providing counseling at no charge to husband, wives and families going through hard times. And as a business man, he has rescued many a company with his ability to press through circumstances and help others find a way of escape.
Seven months ago, when he was diagnosed with Renal Cell Carcinoma, it was a complete shock to our family to hear doctors tell us he was at Stage 4 with the cancer consuming his vertebrae. He has always been so energetic, strong and fit as a fiddle…or so it seemed.

As I considered the Route 66 Marathon, and the time of year it is, I realized that I… the NON-RUNNER, am the exact person to host a “Movement of GRATITUDE” team. I spoke to my mother, who has not left his side in months, and asked her to leave his side for two hours to put her legs to use also. I said, “Mom, Dad has no choice but to lie in that bed. Yet our legs are strong and fully able! We need to get in that race and give thanks for what God has given us and get moving.”

She accepted my challenge and that is when I felt deeply led that this would be an annual “Movement of Gratitude” that would encourage folks to “get active” and take time to give thanks for the things we so often take for granted. It would also be a time to do what I can do to help my mother and father financially, by taking pledges/donations for the race.
Walk/Run With A Purpose
On November 21st, at the 2010, Route 66 Marathon in Tulsa, I have organized a large group of NON-RUNNERS, who are Running For Ron on what we are calling our “Movement of Gratitude” Team to raise funds for my mother and father, who have been faced with monumental medical bills during this journey.
Will you support our movement?
Our team is taking pledges/donations right now for the race. Any amount of support will speak volumes to our “Movement of Gratitude” and will so deeply help this year’s recipients, my parents, in paying for the costs they have incurred during their journey.

I recognize this as just the first of many runs that we will use to raise funds for families in need. For next year’s race, if my father is still with us, he and my mother will choose who our “Movement of Gratitude” funds will reach as an act of paying it forward.

In other words, this NON-RUNNER is now running with a purpose and inviting others to do the same.

Two Ways You Can Participate:

1. GIVE: We are targeting to raise $10,000 to cover a small portion of the medical bills they are expected to pay at this point. All donations by check should be made to Works of Mercy or can be made ONLINE at for a full tax donation receipt. Works of Mercy is a non-profit 501-c3 organization dedicated to serving those in need. To make a pledge, please email me your pledge at

We are also looking for companies who will offer “matching funds” for what we raise that day. Any amount, however, will be a such a blessing.

2. GET ACTIVE: On November 21st at 8 a.m., get out of your home and MOVE those legs, arms or whatever you can do to give thanks and participate in this “Movement of Gratitude”.

One dear friend said, “Staci, count me in to support this. Besides giving, what else can I do for your family? Knowing that she and her family would be on a Thanksgiving vacation that weekend, I asked her to take them for a walk and “give thanks” for the blessings they have as a family.

So no matter how you choose to participate, I thank you for being grateful this holiday season.

Some may walk, others will run, but we will ALL be moving with passion, giving thanks for our legs, our lungs, our ability to see, and for all of the many blessings we so often take for granted. We even have team members who can’t walk, taking up their cans of beans and doing arm curls during the race.

Whatever you choose to do, please email me and tell me how you will take action for the “Movement of Gratitude”. You can also post your thoughts to my facebook account at:

Much love and appreciation to you and yours from our entire family! We continue to thank you for your thoughts and prayers.

Staci Wallace

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