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Monday, November 22, 2010

PUSH, BABY, PUSH!! The Master Plan Fulfilled!

What started as an idea to get our bodies moving, actually got our whole family excited about the upcoming weekend. We had a plan, and we were activating the plan. We would all be together for an early Thanksgiving on Saturday, November 20th. We'd get as many as possible in the bedroom with Ron to eat our traditional Thanksgiving meal with him, then when it got dark outside, for his enjoyment, we would have the "lighting of the Christmas lights" that had been hung by a crew of family members, so strategically and beautifully on an artificial tree just outside my Honey's bedroom window, as well as on the neighbor's fence and on trees and the back of our property. We knew he would love the family being together for such an intimate, sweet family time together. Then, on Sunday, we would all run in the "Movement of Gratitude" aka "Run for Ron" in the Route 66 Marathon. The very best plan,,,,,or so we thought.

But, God and my Honey really had "THE PERFECT PLAN…the Master Plan"!!! As the days passed toward our big weekend, my Honey became less communicative; he slept more, and ate less. Always giving in to my usual "drill sargeant" techniques to get him to eat more, had little effect now. Tuesday morning, November 16th, I opened the window blinds wide and exclaimed to my Honey…."It's a beautiful day!" His eyes remained closed, but I knew he heard me. This morning was different than the days before when he shook his head when I tried to give him "just one more bite". I fed him almost all of his oats and brown sugar and several bites of toast covered in strawberry jam -- one of his favorite breakfast meals. His mom and sister came by for their usual daily visit. He said, "Hi, Mom!", then closed his eyes again. After they left, I tried to give him his lunch -- another favorite -- chicken and dumplings, but this time he didn't respond to eating at all. Though I had been busy with getting the house ready for the family to come in this weekend, I was drawn to stay by his side now. Something about today was different than before. I took his blood pressure and pulse over and over. It was erratic -- high, then low. With all the standing in faith for his healing on this earth before, today, there was a sense of knowing, a sense of destiny -- to let go. It was just him and me at home. It was as though heaven touched earth when I whispered to him, "Sweetheart…I think the 'Welcome Home' sign is up for you in heaven. You can go. I'll be okay. Push, Baby, push!!" I called hospice and they said they'd send out a nurse right away. I called our daughter in law to notify our son who was in Hong Kong. I called our daughter who was in Dallas and told her I think Daddy is passing. I laid the phone by his ear and she began to sing and speak love words to him. I called Ron's sister who showed up at our home within a few minutes. The hospice nurse was the next to arrive. She said, "Yes, he's in transition….it could be tonight or within 72 hours." He was so peaceful. I was so at peace. I knew it was time to begin the home-coming celebration. My Honey was not leaving home….he was going home…..where he belonged. I knew God loved him so much -- it was time for him to receive the grandest rewards that he so deserved. He had a glimpse of heaven. I just knew it. With all the love I had and have for him, how could I possibly keep him here one minute longer? He earned this. He deserved this. Within just an hour, he passed, ever so peacefully, and I saw the most beautiful man I have ever encountered -- both outside and inside -- push through to the other side. Yes, there were tears, as with any close family member or friend who is leaving our presence for a while, yet also tears of joy, knowing pain is over and we'll be together again one day. I gave him words that I knew the Father was saying to him right now…."Well done, good and faithful servant…enter now into the joys of the Lord!" Matthew 25:23.

Did we "lose" him? No, we know where he is! He is not lost. Did we lose our fight? No, we fought the good fight of faith. As St. Paul said, "I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith…and finally a crown of righteousness awaits me (2 Timothy 4:7,8).

By the way, we still had our family Thanksgiving on Saturday, the 20th, and we celebrated together this beautiful and bright light that's been in our lives for so many years, by our lighting ceremony -- lighting the back yard and all of us watching from Honey's bedroom window…..except, not quite as planned, for Honey was was not in that hospital bed any longer. We like to think that he was watching from his "room with a view" from heaven itself. He did push through and now he is pushing us to our finish line!

The finish line……stay tuned on an upcoming blog about The Run for Ron……Finish Line.

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