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Sunday, February 13, 2011

Our 50th Valentine’s Day Celebration – It Was Meant to Be!

I’m still remembering. February 14, 1961 – fifty years ago today, the cutest dark haired 13 year old boy named Ronnie (aka Ron) Wuerch and me, the lankiest, 12 year old girl named Donna Sue Wheat, had our very first “official” date (chauffeured by Ron’s dad) to a church Valentine’s Banquet. The photo here is that day – when Ronnie had to stand on the step above me – because I was taller than him, and the dress I wore, was the “shortened” version of the junior bridesmaid dress I wore in my cousin’s wedding. Oh, how I remember the butterflies in my stomach, the sweaty palms, and the pride I had in showing off my “boy friend” to my friends. At thirteen, Ronnie was already an accomplished pianist and he had a beautiful singing voice. That night, he played the piano and sang at the banquet. I thought I was the luckiest girl in the world when my girl friends said, “He sings and looks just like Frankie Avalon!” (Okay, I know the youngsters reading this, have no idea who Frankie Avalon is, but suffice it to say, “He was a hunk!”).

It was a complete set-up by my grandmother – of all people. She invited my family to their church where Ronnie’s dad was the Pastor. Right from the beginning of the church service, I saw that cute boy looking at me, and smiling at me…..and I smiled back. A few days later, my grandmother said, “Ronnie Wuerch says he likes you.” And, I said, “Tell him I like him!” And that’s the way we began. Early on in our relationship, not only did my grandmother know, but so did our mothers know (you know – that woman’s intuition), that we were meant to be. And, here I am, fifty years later, on this February 14, 2011, and saying, “Yes, we were meant to be!”

In two days, it will have been three months since my Honey’s graduation to heaven, which means we fell short of three months in actually celebrating fifty Valentines together. I miss him today…incredibly! Would I bring him back, if I could? I’ll answer that in this way. I love him too much to want him back. You see, the Bible is full of wonderful promises, and perhaps the most wonderful of all is this: “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him” (1 Corinthians 2:9). There are many things we don’t know about what heaven will be like, because it is beyond our ability to comprehend. But one thing we can be sure of, is that it will fulfill our greatest longings; it will dazzle us with its beauty; it will be greater than anything we could imagine or dream; it will be a place where love and joy will reign unspoiled. And, that’s where my Honey is celebrating this Valentine’s Day. I would NEVER want to bring him back, but, one thing’s for sure, my greatest determination is to be there with him someday. So, I’m purposing to live each remaining day as if it is my last day on earth. That means I’m going to endeavor to spend each day wisely, acknowledging the Lord in prayer, spend time in God’s Word, in worship of Him, in serving Him, in loving others, and in making a positive impact on our generation for Him! Just like my grandmother, I know “THAT is the way it is meant to be!”

I am celebrating love with all of you lovers out there on this beautiful Valentine's Day. I urge you to live in the moments God has given you. Treasure your moments together. Please don’t take those moments for granted. Paul Anka (another one of my teen idols), sang this beautiful song -- I share the words from my heart to yours today. Happy Valentine’s Day!

Hello, young lovers, who ever you are.
I hope your troubles are few.
All my good wishes go with you tonight.
I've been in love like you.

Be brave, young lovers, and follow your star.
Be brave and faithful and true.
Cling very close to each other tonight.
I've been in love like you.

I know how it feels to have wings on your heels,
And fly down the street in a trance.
You fly down a street on a chance that you'll meet,
And you meet not really by chance.

Don't cry, young lovers, what ever you do.
Don't cry because I'm alone.
All of my memories are happy tonight.
I've had a love of my own.
I've had a love of my own like yours.
I’ve had love of my own.


  1. Oh my goodness! This is amazing and touches my heart beyond description. Mother, the love, grace and poetry you are expressing these days is simply "Divine".

    I love you. Happy Valentine's Day.


  2. Your a wonderful woman Donna. I praise God one day my heart will be as big as yours. Your such encouragment to me .. you help me go the extra mile with smiling and just thanking God.. thank you father for making her strong . I love you donna and you are in my spirit always.. with xoxoxo anytime.
    Christian Bearden

  3. I love your wonderful stories, you have a Heart of Love....Happy Valentine's Day!

  4. Love the picture of you & Frankie! And love your story. And love you the most! XO

  5. Ms Donna this blessed my Heart! You are such a wonderful inspiration to all Ladies. You have such a Gift from God to Share. I also started out marriage as a young Girl. My God Bless!


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