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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

MARCH…..Forward: We’re On Assignment!!!

Here we are – already into the month of March! Time is literally MARCH-ing forward, and so are we! Picture a platoon of soldiers, marching….they don’t march backward….they march forward! Whether they are at their home base moving from one post to another, or are on the battlefield….they are on assignment and they will not cease until their mission has been accomplished. St. Paul said in Philippians 3:13,14: “…..but one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.”

For over 44 years, my assignment included a partnership with a beautiful man and we accomplished a lot during those years. Though Heaven called my Honey’s name and his earth assignments ended, Heaven hasn’t called my name. I’m still here!!!! And, because I’m still here, there’s work for me to do, places for me to go and assignments I must complete. I have taken my new “single” life on with fervor and with great ambition. I am embracing the life God has given me and my plans are to make the most of every day. That’s God’s gift to me and my gift back to Him is my attitude of “winning, conquering, celebrating and overcoming”, because He promised that to me. Jesus said, “I am come that you may have life, and have it in abundance”. (John 10:10).

Don’t think for a moment that I don’t appreciate the beautiful life that I shared with my Sweetheart. I often think about those years. And, I could “sit there” in my thoughts for hours on end, and if I stayed “there”, momentum in accomplishing my assignments would be impacted. But, I’ve determined to not “stay there”. It gets me nowhere! If I stayed there, I would be like a soldier gone AWOL (absent without leave). My precious Mom passed away at age 94. When she was still here, she would ask, “Why doesn’t God take me home? I’m ready to go!” And I would always tell her, “He’s not finished with you here, yet! Keep sharing your love with others, pray, and be here for us! That’s your assignment until you get called home!” You and I are still here and we, too, must complete our God-given assignments.

Our assignments may be quite varied. I was just in Washington for a week taking care of my grandsons while their Mom and Dad were out of town – one of the pleasures of grandparenting that is a welcomed “assignment”!
While there, Brennan, my six-year-old grandson, wanted me to sit beside him at the piano and watch and listen as he played his little First Grade Piano songs. Then, he wanted me to watch the keys when he turned the “Player Piano” function on. Completely, out of season, but joyful in the moment, “Jingle Bells” began to play. At the end of that song, he grabbed my hand and said, “Come over and sit with me on the couch. Let’s just relax and listen to the next song!” The song was “Have Your Self a Merry Little Christmas”. He didn’t have to ask me twice. I sat by him, he held my hand and we listened. In that precious, intimate moment, my Honey came to mind. I said, “Oh, Brennan, Papa loved to do this – just sit and listen to music like this and hold my hand.” He immediately replied, “Nana, Papa IS listening!” The tears came – sweet tears of “remembering”, and sweet tears of the tenderness of the faith and comfort of a little child. Cherished “today” moments to remember – lots of those moments are in store for me as I accept my “grandparenting” assignments.

Now, I’m on a flight to home… my “Tulsa – at home – assignments”! Here are just a few of my MARCH-ing forward assignments:

• I’m studying my “Faith-Sharing Booklet” as I start this coming Sunday night to facilitate/teach a 6-week Lenten small faith group.
• My sister-in-law and I will begin to coordinate, organize, and hold an Estate Sale for a client this month.
• I will continue to provide technical writing and editing for a company in Dallas.
• For three weeks, I have been in training, and will continue to train until I run the Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon on May 1st. My Honey’s inability to walk and sit up in his last weeks of life, not only inspired our family and friends to do the 5K Route 66 Marathon last November, but it inspired me to not quit – I am blessed with legs and good health and I will continue to “Run for Ron…..and for Donna”
• I will continue as a Director/Officer on the Board of a charitable foundation….taking the message of hope, healing and restoration to the world.
• I will continue to be active participant of my church – being a steward of my time, talent and treasure.
• I will be a loving, devoted and “young at heart” Mom, Nana, Daughter-in-Law, and friend to those around me – being “there” for them.
• And, my most important assignment will be to spend quality time at the feet of Jesus in intimate fellowship with Him – to know Him more, to grow in His image and to celebrate my life in Him.

What are the assignments that God has given you? What are you going to accomplish with YOU? Life is worth LIVING. We’re still here and we’re “on assignment” – let’s get our MARCH-ing orders – our MISSION is possible!

1 comment:

  1. I can't express to you enough how your such an encouragment and I know you get it from the holy spirit and father ad your willingness to keep pressing on, your a pure vessel... your a person who I want to be more like. We have had different struggles, yet we seek one thing to be like Christ I love it!! My spirit prays for strength for you and to let you know I love you ... Praise God I met your sweet spirit.


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