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Sunday, April 10, 2011

Our Family Legacy Lives On!!

Just four and a half months ago, my Honey went home to heaven. On April 4th, my big brother joined him. I’m sure my Honey gave him a guided tour beyond compare.

Let me introduce you to my big brother – Roscoe Owen Wheat, Jr., better known to everyone as “Rocky”. Twenty-two years older than me, meant that his life was well on its way by the time I entered this world. He served our country in the Navy, married his wonderful wife, Allene, and that beautiful union gave us three beautiful and wonderful boys. We didn’t get to spend a lot of time together because of the age difference, and because we lived in different states, but when we were together, I was the proudest little “kid sister” you could ever imagine. That’s how he always introduced me – “my kid sister” – even after I was a grown woman. He was the one that taught me to water ski. He refused to let me stop trying – even though I continued to let go of the rope or, if I held onto the rope, and I burrowed down into the water and felt like I was about to drown. He refused any “I quit” attitude….., and, yes, I finally conquered with his strict “YOU CAN!!!”. He was also the typical brother that brought reality to me by saying “Ho! Ho! Ho! There is NO Santa Claus!” But, what set him apart from other big brothers was his amazing baritone singing voice. Though his “day job” was a banker, the love of his life was using his talented voice for praising God through His God-given vocal abilities. He would continue on to direct over 29 church choirs, and in his later years would be one of the amazing and talented “Singing Men of Texas” which went around the world sharing their gifts of song. How proud I was of him, when he sang “The Lord’s Prayer” and Ron’s and my favorite love song at our wedding, “Till There Was You”.

But his greatest claim-to-fame was not the accolades of man, nor his vocal abilities. His claim-to-fame was the strength of character and integrity that he lived day in and day out. His three boys watched that and, they also became those kind of men. At his funeral, each of those fine, young men, each gifted in their own right, spoke about the days when they were “little ducklings that followed their Dad wherever he went”, and for the most part, that was from church-to-church singing praises to God. And that example, indeed, produced three of the finest young men, who have families of their own and each are pastoring a Baptist Church in three various cities in Texas.

At his graveside service, I looked at the grave marker of my Mom, Edna Pearl Wheat, my Dad, Roscoe Owen Wheat, Sr., and now my big brother. My sister went home to heaven six years ago. Yes, the family is going home. But the legacy lives on. I had never seen a casket be lowered before, but at my brother's service, we all stood by and watched his casket be lowered. There was sweetness, composure and calm in all of us, but most impressive were his young grandchildren who looked into that open grave with the casket in it. To them, it was just a casket, because the youngest granddaughter, age six, had already provided the reason for the composure – she said, “That’s just Papa’s skin – he’s not in there – he’s in heaven!” And that’s the truth!

Once again, as at my Honey’s passing to his beautiful new life, my brother has received his, and most assuredly, I continue to exclaim with St. Paul… I Corinthians 15:55 “Oh death, where is your victory? Oh grave, where is your sting?” With each loved one’s graduation, the thrill of heaven that awaits us gets sweeter and sweeter…..and the reality is assured…..the real “us” never dies….we live on!

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