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Thursday, June 30, 2011

Feeling the Love -- It's a Love-Fest!

Along our journeys of faith, if we keep our eyes and hearts wide open, we’ll encounter situations and people that, without a doubt, we know…..God is working out His divine plan and purpose in and through us!

In 2005, a precious couple in our church, gave birth to their third child, Owen Thomas Anderson. When we received the word that little Owen had a hole in his lungs, some kidney complications and his situation was very “touch and go”, we felt an urgency to go and encourage them in their faith. Because we had seen how this couple loved the Lord and exuded His radiance as they reached out to other families with God’s love, we felt compelled to stand with them for this miracle. I remember how my Honey, Ron, ministered to Rockie (Owen’s Daddy), and prayed with him and anointed his hands (as Elders being called to anoint the sick), and told him to go into the nursery and lay his hands on baby Owen. We watched Rockie, through the glass -- with tears in his eyes, lay his hands on and pray for his baby boy. That began a faith journey for that precious family, and, with joy, we were able to journey with them. How delighted we were, when Rockie and Burnedette asked us to be Owen’s Godparents. There has been a beautiful bond with them ever since. There have been many ups and downs in this faith journey with them as Owen had many bouts with pneumonia and other complications, but I’m thrilled to say he is a feisty, full-of-life boy today.

Telling you this story is important because of the home-going of my Honey seven months ago. I always loved sitting by my Honey in church – he would hold my hand throughout the service and I would sense his tenderness and love for me in such a precious way. Oh, how he loved to be in church and when we would sing, he’d nudge me to sing harmony with him. That dates back to the days when we sang together in a traveling Gospel quartette. Being in church without him now, is often when I miss him the most.

Now, to get back to Owen – my Godson! As I said, he is a typical, vivacious, full-of-energy, rambunctious little 6-year old boy, in every sense of the word. And God has given me a gift in him. My Honey had a special knack for relating to kids. He would always want to hug and play and tease them. Owen, quite naturally, loved us. But something happened when my Honey passed away…..and more specifically over the last few weeks. I call it a love-fest! If Owen is going down the aisle at communion, he’ll reach out and hug me. Then, during service, if he sees me, he’ll want to come and sit by me and hold my hand and reaches up with puckered lips and kisses me and says, “I love you so much!” Two Sundays ago, he sat by me and drew me this picture of him and me holding hands. He kissed and held my hand and continued to reach his little face toward mine and pucker his lips to kiss me once again. Is it normal for a little boy to show such affection and love to someone other than his own parents and grandparents? I’m not sure – I’ve never encountered this kind of love-fest, even with my own grandchildren. But, once again, I choose to believe it’s so much more than “normal”. It’s that sweet, gentle love of my Honey letting me know, that it’s harvest time. The seeds we sowed in love for this precious family, have matured. I feel my Honey’s affection and love through Owen – as he holds my hand and tells me he loves me.

Am I a silly, whimsical, imaginative dreamer – conjuring up ways to remedy missing my Honey so much, or could I be reaping the harvest of love sown? I have to choose the latter, as there are just too many ways that God has embraced me, given me peace, joy and comfort during the last seven months. My precious Owen is another one of those gifts from God that keeps reminding me of this sweet journey of faith and the love-fest that my Father and I continue to celebrate! Yes, I’m feeling the love!


  1. ...really enjoyed reading your latest post, Donna! That's a precious story. It's amazing how powerful the love of a child can be, isn't it? And to feel Ronald's affection through Owen is a gift supreme.

  2. I agree with you Shelia, I know that the Lord is so watching over Donna as Ron knew she would be
    ok & that she would be able to go forth. So thankful for you Shelia that you & Karen have been there for her. I know we miss her & while we are many miles away she knows our prayers & love are with her. Ron was like a brother to my husband.


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