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Thursday, July 7, 2011

Happy 45th Anniversary to My Honey & Me!!

July 8th, 1966 – I married the love of my life. Never did we dream we wouldn’t make it to our 50th Wedding Anniversary....let alone our 45th. In fact, we had already made plans for how we’d celebrate our 50th. There weren’t many things we would do without the other, but this time, God had better plans – one of us would get an early “departure for heaven” ticket. He earned it, and God was ready to give him his BEST!

Since one of us is still here….on this side of heaven…..I’m still celebrating and remembering ….once again. It brings me so much comfort and joy to be able to share about my darling husband. We had almost 45 years together -- packed full of wonderful memories. In celebration of our 45th, here's 45 of some of my favorite memories!
1) The first time I saw him – he was the cutest, black haired boy in the choir and he was stretching over others to see me!
2) My Grandmother calling to tell me….”Ronnie likes you!”
3) Him standing on the step above me in pictures, because I was taller than him! (Eventually...he caught up and stood a whole 3 inches taller than me!)
4) Our first date at ages 12 & 13 – Valentine’s Banquet at Maplewood Assembly of God Church – and me being so proud to introduce “my boy friend”.
5) Holding hands for the first time in the back seat of my sister’s car…..and having sweaty palms because we were so nervous.
6) Kip’s Restaurant in Dallas – holding hands, with little sister giggling as she peeked under the table.
7) Our strategic plan for our first kiss – behind the church, and getting his mint in my mouth!
8) Love Field Airport, Dallas – in his parked car, enjoying watching the airplanes land…...sort of!
9) My Grandmother’s House – watching movies late….late!
10) His wonderful piano playing and singing. His encouragement to me….to play the organ.
11) Loving Musical Theater: “Bye, Bye Birdie”; “The Music Man”; “My Fair Lady”; “Oklahoma”
12) LaTanisha Restaurant in Love Field Airport – fried bananas…..and “Yes, I will marry you!”
13) July 8, 1966 -- he was 18; I was 17 -- our Wedding Day – Yellow Roses – our favorite song, “Till There Was You”; (Yellow Roses continued to be our favorite flower and bush in our yards!)
14) Sherman, TX – 1st Honeymoon Night; Lake Texoma Lodge – 2nd and 3rd Honeymoon Nights
15) Our First Apartment – Pet Parakeets: Herbie and Gertie – flying to the tree that he made us!
16) Fishing at Lake Lavon – wearing hip waders and yelling “FISH ON!”
17) After married for only 3 months…..he proclaimed….”Let’s start our family NOW!”
18) Dallas Cowboy fans – adjusting the antennae to see the game – Sunday afternoon delight!
19) The arrival of our baby boy and the arrival of our baby girl.
20) Ministry: Dallas Evangelistic Center; Keystone Christian Center; Master’s 4 Quartet; Evangelistic Center, Tecumseh, OK; Shawnee Christian Center, Shawnee, OK; Catholic Church Ministry; Mexico and Belize Missions Trips
21) Camp-Outs at Lake Texoma, Lake Murray, Lake Tenkiller, Table Rock Lake in our tents and then van, then our 5th Wheel, then our Winnebago
22) Our flight training – both of us becoming pilots.
23) Building our houses
24) Our ranch and cattle and horses and King (our big White German Shepherd).
25) Not missing any of our kids’ activities: Cub Scouts, sports, talent contests, sales contests
26) Living in Canada for 7 years
27) Fishing Trips via float plane – my big fish story – Master Angler!
28) Our kids getting married;
29) Our kids giving us six beautiful grandchildren.
30) Our love for traveling and cruising -- 15 cruises in all!
31) Our family vacations – cruises, trips to Mexico, Texas, North Carolina, Washington, Arkansas, New York
32) Our homes in Dallas, Keystone, Shawnee, Okla. City, Canada, Tulsa, and Sapulpa
33) Honey wins us a trip to Sweden – our great adventures to Denmark and Germany
34) Encouraging so many people one-on-one – seeing their lives changed and helped
35) Our trip to Rome and Mediterranean Cruise on our 40th Anniversary
36) Loving taking the grandchildren on trips and having exciting adventures!
37) Our favorite past time – eating out!
38) Regular Date Nights – movies and musical theater were our favorites!
39) Spending time with the grandkids – we were great at being Nana and Papa!
40) Enjoying the successes of our children – being so thankful for their accomplishments
41) Having morning devotion together – sweet times of praise and worship
42) Loving going to church together – thanking God for His goodness to us!
43) Cuddling and holding and loving – being best friends and lovers.
44) Realizing God’s destiny and purpose for our lives together
45) Realizing our faith, our trust in God, and though sometimes we had our ups and downs, giving up was never an option. God’s ultimate plan for our lives was how this Love Story lasted for over 44 years!

So, today, July 8th, 2011, I’m thanking You, God, for loving me so much that You showered your blessings upon me to the fullest with the man of my dreams. Knowing how our story together would end….I’d do it all again….and I’d say “yes” again and again. And to show how thankful I am…..I’m going to continue strong on this amazing faith journey, make more memories with our family and friends and continue writing many chapters in my journal that celebrate LIFE on this side of heaven…..until the day I get to join my Honey at HOME!
Happy Anniversary, My Darling!


  1. Donna, thanks for sharing your faith journey..... Happy Anniversary!

  2. This is fabulous, Donna! Mick & I read with great delight and interest. How inspiring.
    We love you both so much--always will. XOXO

  3. Blessings to you Donna, you are one strong woman.


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