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Sunday, November 13, 2011

The Show Must Go On!!

The Show Must Go On! (aka…. Life Must Go On!)

One year ago this coming Wednesday, November 16th, my Honey got the thrill of a lifetime, his Bucket List was completed, and he got his ticket for the ride he’d waited for, earned, deserved, and was awarded. He got to go Home to Heaven.

As I write this tonight, I’m overcome with the remembrances of this week last year. My Honey slept more than he was awake. I attributed that to the strong medications – not that he was close to going Home. And, he was very quiet when he was awake. This morning, a year ago, quite surprisingly, he called out to me, “I love you so much, my precious darling!” Those precious words would be among the few words he said to me before he left.

I wrote a blog during this time last year about me wanting to inquire of him what was going on during those periods of sleep or thought. I rattled on…. “Honey, what’s going on when you’ve got your eyes closed. Is God speaking to you? What are you seeing? Is God showing you your mansion in heaven? Do you want to go there? Because if you do, it’s okay! I’ll be okay. But if you want to stay, we’ll continue to believe for your healing, because we know “nothing is impossible with God” and when it comes, we’ll go around the world telling about God’s power to heal. Honey, what are you hearing?” He opened his eyes, looked directly at me and said, “You talk too much!” I laughed and could sense God telling me, “Just trust Me!”

Just recently, when meeting with my dear friends, Sheila and Carol, my prayer and support partners, we talked about the definition of “infant” in Latin. It means “without speech or words”. Think of it. Jesus, the Great Creator, who spoke heaven and earth into existence, the very One Who was the Word made flesh, left His heavenly home to come to this earth as an infant (without speech or words). But think about what He accomplished as an infant. Angels spoke on His behalf and shepherds and Wise Men worshipped Him, and the groundwork for His destiny was accomplished in His infancy.

I think of my Honey and during those times of quietness. He was, “as an infant” – without speech or words. I know His spirit was praying and interceding, and He was getting glimpses of heaven and hearing voices beckoning him to come home. And since he went home, I still hear his words, “You can do this…..the show must go on….life must go on…..finish strong.” And during those times when I am challenged with life and the situations and circumstances that sometimes seem overwhelming….. like having to handle business affairs and financial challenges, selling the house, car malfunctions, fire alarm batteries that go off in the middle of the night, screen doors that need repair, the refrigerator and the garage door and the photocopier and the computer breaking down, counseling friends and family members, and making so many life decisions on my own, I want answers again like I did when I wanted to know what was going on when my Honey had his eyes closed.

Once again, I sense the voice of my Heavenly Father saying, “Trust Me!” So, I take a deep breath and go to that quiet place where I know my Honey went to during his quiet times – that secret place of the Most High – that place where Holy Spirit abides (Remember when Jesus said, “I must go away so that the Comforter – Holy Spirit can come”?) And, so much greater, He (Holy Spirit) lives in us! Oh, think of that! We have a resource that we can go to for the answers, and Who gives us the strength, wisdom, understanding and comfort we need……to keep this SHOW GOING ON and keep it going strong for a long run!!!

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