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Friday, February 21, 2014

Jesus, Take the Wheel

Have you ever felt like you're in one of those hamster wheels going round and round, but getting no where at all? Sort of like one of those stationary bikes -- you pedal and pedal, but you don't move forward, even an inch! At this earth-shaking moment, you have an epiphany, and you realize you have two choices: keep going in circles or stop and ask for directions. It's our nature to want to be in control and we try to convince ourselves that if we just keep trying, that we’ll eventually find our way. But if we’re ever going to progress any further on this "life" journey, we must come to a screeching halt, let go of the controls, and consult the ONLY ONE WHO truly knows the way. Circumstances can take us by surprise. Sometimes life just deals us a bad hand. So, how do we survive through those times? We get out of the driver’s seat. Our Heavenly Father doesn’t ask us, or even wants us to know where tomorrow’s turn is. All He asks is that we hand over the wheel to Him. And, one thing's for sure -- He WILL NEVER steer us wrong. Let's get out of the driver's seat, get comfy in the passenger seat, and enjoy the trip! It certainly promises to be over-the-top exciting.....and most importantly, eternal! Jesus....take over....take control.....Jesus take the wheel!

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