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Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Maestro (Master Conductor) Make My Life a Symphony!

Have you heard an orchestra tuning up before a concert? How could anything beautiful come from what sounds so disharmonious and chaotic. But, then, it all changes! The Maestro appears and you hear a tap, tap, tap of his baton. And, voila, suddenly the chaos turns to the most melodic, rhythmic, harmonious, sweet sounding and beautiful music. The fact is, if there were no Maestro, the players would be doing their own thing that just resulted in NOISE. Aw, but when the Maestro is leading – a spectacular symphony is heard. And, here’s some really good news. Our lives can be a beautiful symphony of harmony and melodic music – if we depend, rely, and fully follow the direction of our Master Conductor. When we follow His lead, He will turn the chaos and disharmony of our life into a beautiful symphony of peace. That music will be a sweet, sweet sound in His ears and in the ears of those in our life. I think of the prayer of St. Francis as I type this post, "Lord, make me an "instrument" of your peace!" May peace be the song in our heart, in our mind, and in our mouth as we follow our Maestro's lead.

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