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Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Reporting for Duty

Did you report for duty today? Got your assignment?

For over 44 years, my assignment included a partnership with a beautiful man and we accomplished a lot during those years. Though Heaven called my Honey’s name, Heaven has not called my name. I’m still here!!!! And, because I’m still here, there’s work for me to do, places for me to go, and assignments to complete.

I take my “single” life on with fervor and great ambition. I have a window of opportunity to leave a legacy to my family and this generation. I embrace the life God has given me and I make the most of every day. That’s God’s gift to me, and my gift back to Him is my attitude of “winning, conquering, celebrating, and serving".

Being in tune with the voice of my General -- listening for his commands -- and following those commands, keeps me focused on greater things than myself. I've passed many tests.....and had to take other tests over, but I'm getting better at listening and following His instructions for my assignments. For example, a few days ago, a neighbor asked me if I'd like to go pick pecans with her. My head was saying "No!" But, my mouth said, "Sure!" My day was packed full of business and things to accomplish. What was I thinking? And in addition, this is February! Who picks pecans in February? Pecans are harvested in the Fall. What could be the rationale for interrupting my busy schedule? But my friend assured me she found some big trees and the pecans weren't harvested, and they just stayed frozen through the winter. She picked me up, and, indeed, when we got there, we found thousands of pecans on the ground. In 30 minutes, we had bags full.
On the way home, I asked my friend about her family, and she started to weep. She went on to tell me about some personal things going on in her family and it was breaking her heart. Inside, I could hear the voice of my General saying -- "Duty calls!" I began to pour out love and comfort and encouragement to her, and assured her that God is there for her and her family. I know that story and I know that God allows times like this in our lives to be a support and encouragement in other people's lives. St. Paul said in II Corinthians 1:4 "That you may be comforted with the same comfort that I have been comforted with..." That's what I did. It wasn't about pecans at all. It was about reaching out to one of God's kids in love and comfort. Mission accomplished.

My precious Mom passed away at age 94, on Valentine's Day in 2004 (10 years ago). While she was still here, she asked, “Why doesn’t God take me home? I’m ready to go!” And I always told her, “He’s not finished with you here! He still wants you to share His love with others and pray for us! That’s your assignment until He's ready for you to go home!" And you and I are still HERE! So if we're still here, we're not DONE! And our assignment, today, just might be the answer to someone's prayers! Now, let's go REPORT FOR DUTY!!


  1. Donna, I love your post, thank you for your encouraging words. I thank God for our alignment.

    1. And, I love you for saying so, but for so many other reasons! You continue to be a blessing in my life! We're still going strong, aren't we, Girl Friend?


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