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Monday, March 31, 2014

Break Free of That Cocoon

I’ve been through some painful seasons when it felt like God had a deaf ear to my heart cries. The seasons of financial concerns, children’s illnesses, broken relationships, disappointments, family deaths – including, my own precious husband’s passing. I was in the cocoon during those times – going through what seemed to be, personal death, but, God was using those seasons to instill in me, hope, trust and belief that He was in control, and that He was creating a butterfly that could soar further and higher than I could have imagined. It was in those dark seasons that my faith grew stronger and stronger. And, I assure you, I have broken free from the cocoon and I am flying today. No question -- the cocoon WAS painful. But were it not for the transition and change, I would have never known the joy, freedom and beauty of flying to such heights today. To be able to dance in the rain, to celebrate each new day with the wonderment of a child, to laugh at myself, to look in the mirror and see LIFE being lived to its fullest is wonderful. Winter and living in the cocoon was yesterday, but Springtime has come -- and my new life as a butterfly was worth the stillness and death and preparation. Isn't it time for you to break free of your cocoon, too? The vantage point from up here to down there as a caterpillar, sure does make a difference!! "You have turned my mourning into joyful dancing. You have taken away my clothes of mourning and clothed me with joy." Psalms 30:11

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