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Monday, March 31, 2014

Mr. Do BEE

Who remembers the TV Show, “Romper Room”? I’m sure you “under forties” don’t – but it was one of my childhood favorites – many moons ago – LOL! And, on the show, I remember Mr. Do-Bee, an oversized bumblebee who gave good manners tips. He would say something like: “Do Bee good boys and girls for your parents!” And there was also “Mr. Don’t Bee” to show kids what NOT to do. Well, here’s the REAL deal about bumblebees, according to the laws of physics. It is impossible for Mr. Bumble Bee to fly, because he doesn’t generate enough lift with his tiny wings, given the weight of his body. But, guess what! It just doesn’t matter what the laws of physics say -- when Mr. Bumble Bee’s Creator, God, says “DO bee!” The bee just DOES. He DOES fly – against all odds.

Maybe you’re facing some challenges that seem virtually impossible – and the laws of physics (or the naysayers in your world) say “It’s not possible for you to……” like those tiny wings of a bumblebee. Maybe, in your world, there’s some financial setbacks or health issues or relationships that have been labeled….”IMPOSSIBLE”! DON’T Bee a doubter and an unbeliever! Be like the BEE – though “THEY” say it can’t be done. God says “IT CAN BE DONE!” God just might be whispering in your ear…“DO Bee a believer that says “Nothing is impossible with God!” Go ahead. Show them... YOU CAN FLY!!!

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