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Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Gratitude = Love, Peace, Hope & Joy

In June, I'll travel to Seattle to be a part of my 2nd oldest grandson's high school graduation celebrations. I'm so excited. I love being out there with my family. It's always a time of watching my grandchildren perform in their music and sports activities, going on hikes, having parties, playing games, and having so much fun! I'm looking forward to hugs and kisses and "Nana, watch this movie with me" or "Nana, let's go for a walk." I'm so grateful for those times of making memories.

BUT, on the other hand.....I could get in an all-out tizzy if I let myself think about what it takes to get there, and back home again. All that packing, and a day of travelling. And, remembering the stormy weather that meant spending the night in DFW airport. I could think about the flight delays and crying babies on my flight. My baggage was lost too many times to count -- not to mention dealing with cranky passengers and flight attendants. Why in the world would I consider taking another flight?

Wherever we are, wherever we go, whatever we do -- we will encounter "stuff". It's life. Life throws some crazy things our way. But, the bigger picture is.....what are we making of those times? If we exude an attitude of gratitude no matter what comes our way, blessings and God's favors can happen right in the middle of those times if we think and believe, "Good things are coming my way today!" I've learned to pray for divine encounters on my travels -- "What if this flight delay was "heaven sent" so that I could encourage someone?" In fact, that did happen during that DFW overnight experience. We were able to wrap our arms and hearts around a precious elderly woman and bring her peace, in the middle of her storm.

Living with a heart of gratitude, keeps the heart and mind from looking at what we don't have, to what we do have -- and in that place, I've come to experience love, hope and peace that gives me the "knowing" that whatever happens, God is surely a part of the equation to bring about beautiful things for me, as well as for those that God sets up as "my assignment". SEATTLE, here I come!!!!

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