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Thursday, April 3, 2014

STOP.....and Smell the Roses!!!

Yesterday, I stopped by a garden center to check out some trees for my yard. The aroma of the Spring flowers was overwheming when I walked in! Immediately, I thought "I need to get some flowers!" Those fragrant, fresh smells almost led me astray because the nursery rep told me, for Tulsa, it's still too early to plant -- another freeze could play havoc on those little plantings. But I did enjoy the moments and sure wanted to linger there, but just too much to do -- I just had to go. Then, I realized that sometimes I get so wrapped up in my day-to-day activities that I don't take time to even notice the sweet smells around me -- literally, not taking "time to smell the roses". Could it be that we're not enjoying our life journey like we should? Are the details of life -- the finances or taxes, work, family, health, and even Facebook or emails distracting us? Then it is time to "stop and smell the roses"!!

Life really is so short -- the sweet photo here are Larry & Staci's two children, Alexia and Payton, 10 YEARS ago. I think....where did the time go? Isn't it best to be savoring the moments the best we can, while we can. Taking the time to enjoy their sweet smiling faces or listening to their silly laughter, or enjoying the upbeat music that just makes us want to do a little dance, really savoring the food we're eating, or noticing and smelling the fragrance of Spring! When we enjoy the little things, we’ll begin to experience joy and happiness that will make our life journey absolutely so worthwhile! So often, when I'm not distracted by so many day-to-day routines, I just love to sit quietly and reflect on the many blessings of my life -- that is the best way to "stop and smell the roses". If we don't stop and smell them today, before we know it, the roses will have wilted and withered and be gone. Okay....I'm getting off Facebook for a while -- and I'm going to find some roses to smell!!!

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