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Friday, April 4, 2014

You Are Living Stones

I have a birds-eye view from my office window, of the house being built across the street from me (pictured here). It’s really quite amazing how – just a couple of weeks ago – there was just a vacant lot. It is gradually becoming a home that will soon have happy occupants inside. For the first time, I’ve become keenly aware of the intricate, detailed, precise artistry of the stonemasons. Each rock is random in shape and size, but is actually hand-picked to connect to its neighboring rocks and precisely placed for the forces and elements of nature that will come, yet those stones will withstand the test of time. I took photos of this house, and put together this collage yesterday. You can see the house at the top, the photo at the bottom left is the brilliant stonemason, and the bottom right is the stone cutter. Patience, endurance, and an eye for the layout to be concise – not to mention, their exquisite craftsmanship certainly entitles them to bear the name "Master Artists".

I'm amazed as I think about us, God’s masterpieces, and His plans and purposes for our lives and what all, and who all, He had in mind when He created us. We may feel like random works of art, but, oh no, He had specific "stones" that would be connected to our lives. He had our families in mind; He had our friends in mind; He had those He would want us to influence in mind; He had our generation in mind; He had the future generation in mind. We were hand-picked to connect to people with the knowledge that what we do and who we are, will withstand the test of time……to eternity. My prayer is “Use me, Lord! Please pick me! Oh, great, Chief Cornerstone, may I be one of your “living stones” used as a stepping stone for others to come to You! (I Peter 2:5 “You are living stones…..")

"We are works of art, and we are artists at work."

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