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Thursday, April 10, 2014

What's Your Family Medical History?

A few weeks ago, I had surgery, and thanks be to God, I feel like a new woman now. But in preparation for that surgery, I had to consult with several doctors, and with each one, I had to complete a lot of medical forms that included questions like "What is your medical history -- have you or your family members had heart disease? diabetes? cancer? arthritis? etc." And, as a matter of fact....there were cases of those diseases in our family.

And I started thinking, as I encouraged myself with God's Word and faith, trust and hope, I thought, "What if there were a question on that form that said, "Have you or your family members had a history of notable miracles?" And, again, as a matter of fact....there were cases of those in our family.

For example: our daughter, Staci, was diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis -- diagnosis completely reversed (is a recording artist with a 5-1/2 octave range and public speaker today); my son, Ryan, had almost irreparable club feet -- completely healed (in fact runs 26.2 marathons regularly). Then, there's my father-in-law, who at age 62, had Lymphoma Cancer. After surgery, was told he would live, at best, six months, but, with his trust and faith in God, lived another 15 years. I was diagnosed with osteo-arthritis, but with God's guidance to natural health solutions -- I'm completely healed. How's that for "FAMILY HISTORY" facts? And how's that for "good genes"? I think we'll stake our claim on those genetics. I Chronicles 16:12 "Remember the miracles He performed, the amazing things He did and the judgments He pronounced!" No matter where you're at today....God is STILL a God of miracles -- REALLY....with Him, all things are possible!

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