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Monday, April 7, 2014

CEO of my Business -- CEO of my Life

My tip of the day.....there's no greater way to begin a new day and week than to have a meeting with the CEO of our business -- especially with the desire for success in every way! My CEO is God, my Heavenly Father.

Through the years of having early morning commitments, my body just naturally wakes up early. I have a built-in alarm clock. So, it sure makes sense to me, to get in touch with the One who created the day -- to begin my day by spending a few minutes alone with God each morning. It's just a great way to get the "wisdom and guidance" download from my CEO, and my day and life will be enriched and blessed as the day progresses! Spending time in His Word, and sharing with Him, through prayer, I know I've set my day in the proper order! It always helps me to be in the right frame of mind. I recognize it, and others recognize it, when we've had those meetings.....and when we haven't. I urge you to call for an Executive Meeting with your CEO today!

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