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Sunday, April 20, 2014

Then Came the Morning -- He is Risen

HE IS RISEN!! ALLELUIA!! Happy Resurrection Morning!!!
2,000+ years ago -- there was tremendous fear in the Jesus' followers because of such diabolical evil that had been rendered against the Son of God. They lost their dearest friend. How could they go on? But, THEN CAME THE MORNING!!! The stone was rolled away AND Christ rose from the grave. Night turned into day. Death had lost, and LIFE had won.

And, it's a new dawn and a new morning for us, too! The stones of fear, rejection, disappointment, worry, doubt and heartache are being rolled away. We can choose for the darkness to be gone, and to allow THE LIGHT to break forth as Jesus, our HOPE, stands in the doorway! He triumphed over ALL the powers of darkness and, by faith, His victory is ours, too! May His resurrection power flow through us and may it bring us healing, renewal, strength, and life. Since Jesus' resurrection was for our resurrection from death to life, too, why don't we start LIVING, today? Yes, it's a new dawn, it's a new day, and I'm feeling good!

PLEASE, PLEASE watch & listen to this gorgeous, amazing 5-minute video. Your heart and soul will be so lifted!! May HIS resurrection life be yours today!

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