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Thursday, May 1, 2014

In the Light of Eternity

One of my favorite sayings is “In the light of eternity….it just won’t matter”! And, I usually say it when discussions go controversial, or when I'm making a trivial decision. Bottom line, like the “God quote” here, this life is just so short, why should we sweat the small stuff? We’re going to spend much more time in heaven, than we are on earth. In his book, "Purpose Driven Life", Rick Warren said “Earth is the staging area, the preschool, the tryout for your life in eternity. It is the practice workout before the actual game; the warm-up lap before the race begins. This life is preparation for the next”.

When we really understand that there is so much more to life than just the here and now, and we understand that this life is just preparation for eternity, we’ll begin to live differently. And, my saying “in the light of eternity” will make much more sense. We’ll be able to handle every task, every circumstance, every relationship “in the light of eternity”. Those things that once seemed so important to us—the activities, the problems, the conquests will seem quite unimportant on the radar. Maybe on this earth’s radar, a BIG DEAL. On heaven’s radar, not even a blip on the radar screen.

That’s why, on the day of my Sweetheart’s graduation to heaven, I became his Mid-Wife. I coached him to “Push, Baby, Push!” to the other side….for there he would be living where the wonder and splendor of heaven is beyond explanation. What I knew, is that I loved him too much to keep him from one more minute of the bliss that awaited him. It was time for his BIRTH-day in heaven -- where "in the light of eternity", he was home sweet home.

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