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Friday, May 2, 2014

Learning to Dance in the Rain

When the storms of life come, it’s quite easy to nestle down all snug as a bug in a rug, and just wait for them to pass. After all, who wants to go outside when it’s lightning and thundering and the winds are blowing 90 miles an hour? It’s also quite easy to complain about the weather. In the winter – we complain about the cold, and in the summer we complain about the heat. Don’t you love it when you see little kids, completely CARE-FREE, bundling all up for winter fun, or running out, dancing and splashing in the rain? And, don’t you love it when little kids play in the summer – not paying any attention to the heat – so much so, that we have to remind them to put on sunscreen?

I’ve figured it out. Life isn’t about waiting for the storms to pass, or the winter or summer to pass – or STUFF that comes our way to pass. It’s about learning to enjoy the journey, whatever season it is, or whatever the weather might be -- and even while going through the storms of life. Then what is it about? It's about learning how to dance in the rain, in the storms of life and in the seasons of life.

I’ve been through some real downpours in the last few years, and this gal has become quite the accomplished “dancer”. I know how to bend, and not break; I know how to do the “quick step” and I know how to “slow dance”, and, best of all, I’ve learned to depend on my Dance Partner, and how to follow His “lead”. And in case you’re wondering who my Dance Partner is ----- He’s the ONE Who created the dance!!

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