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Wednesday, June 11, 2014

I'm Not Telling You It's Going To Be Easy! I Am Telling You It's Going To Be Worth It!

We were married for just three months, when my sweet, young husband announced that we should start our family. “We want to be young parents and grand-parents”, was his rationale. Indeed, we were just babies when we had our babies (we were 18 & 19 with the first, & 20 & 21 with the second). What a contrast we were to how “on purpose” couples are in planning their families these days: 1) Finish college; 2) Secure a well-paying job, with great benefits; 3) Once there is plenty of savings and security…..then they start their family. Not so with us -- two kids that were inexperienced in life, child-rearing, business and finances. But, we had plenty of faith, self-confidence, determination, ambition…..and most of all, profound love for each other. We were flying by the seat of our pants……and what a flight it was.

My first pregnancy was beyond uncomfortable. I was a receptionist and I HAD to work to support my “college-man” husband, besides we had a baby on the way -- so “morning sickness” which came with nausea and hanging out in the ladies’ room, was no excuse. I’d greet someone as they came into the office and would have to make a mad dash for the ladies room. Whew! Then there’s the planning, dreaming, and THEN, the labor and delivery….CRAZY pain that seemed to last forever (really, only hours), that eventually became CRAZY sweet. The baby boy that we only dreamed of having, rushed in and stole our hearts. We were completely in love with that little man.

Why am I sharing this little excerpt from our life story with you? Because it’s a story of child-like faith, dreams, taking risks, making lots of mistakes, of puppy love that turned into real, authentic love that knew no bounds. It’s a story of God loving us so much, that He even made our mistakes to prosper. It’s a story of believing that what God starts in our hearts….He is faithful to help us complete it. It’s the same story of anyone who starts out with a dream – perhaps a CRAZY idea that is driven by passion and determination. And, along the way, in an effort for the “birth” of that idea (baby) -- whether it’s a business, a ministry, an invention, or heart’s desire -- there is tremendous hard work, pain, waiting, dreaming, and struggle….but there’s no turning back. You’ve given your ALL for this “baby”, and though the months of preparation, dreaming, getting ready for the launch or the birth -- seems like it’s taking FOREVER… due season, when it seems it’s not going to happen, the greatest PUSH of your lifetime is required, and then that “baby” you’ve dreamed of having, will make its debut and your dream becomes reality.

Today, I urge you to keep pressing in, forging on, stretching greater, and “Be not weary in well-doing, for in due season, you will reap if you faint not.” (Galatians 6:9). This "baby" you’re carrying will get here. Be faithful to the dream and vision. Do your part as God does His. Soon, your baby will rush in and, all you’ve worked so hard for, will be here – the "baby" may not look anything like you thought he would, but he will be just the way God created him to be JUST FOR YOU! When it does, all the pain, all the sleepless nights, all the worry and anxiety, will be something of the past. I’m not telling you it’s going to be easy! I am telling you it’s ALL going to be worth it.

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