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Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Let's Change the World in THIS Generation

There's the younger generation, mid-life generation or older generation! And, since we’re all alive at the same time, we are all THIS generation. And, if we'd get together, we could change the world in THIS generation. WHATEVER age, color, gender or nationality we are – God has a plan and a purpose for our lives and He needs us to pick up our batons and run this race because we are ALL still young – as long as we are on this earth. Why in the world do we allow society to dictate that at age 65 we retire? I’ve seen active and vibrant people, die when they retire. Why is that? Because they quit and feel obsolete; because they quit living before they need to. And if they don’t have a natural death, they die inside. They quit on life.

I’ve been on a rampage lately -- as I see people “check out” before they’re out! Pastor Craig Groeschel says, “If you’re not dead – you’re not done!” That’s become my personal “tag line”! If I’m still breathing, God has a plan and purpose for my life. You and I have gifts and purposes for OUR generation. Heaven is going to be amazing – beyond adequate words of explanation. But we’re still here, and we have a job to do HERE!

I said it a couple of days ago, and I say it again today -- there is no “retirement” in the Bible! There’s only refirement. Nelson Mandela was 72 when he was released from prison, and later became Prime Minister of South Africa.
Mother Teresa – at 85 was still running her phenomenal mission, because that’s what purpose does. Purpose keeps us young. She had more wrinkles than almost anyone, and she had more life than anyone who EVER pays big $$$$$ for a new and improved version on this side of heaven. We DO NOT have to get OLD. Psalms 92:12-15 “The uncompromisingly righteous shall flourish like the palm tree. They shall be long-lived, stately, upright, useful, They shall still bring forth fruit in old age.”

Shouldn’t that verse describe you and me? Shouldn’t we want to live out our days with zeal and determination? Shouldn’t we want to flourish, be useful and bring forth fruit all the days of our lives? We can! We can be ALL-OUT devoted, full-of-life rockin’ grannies and grandpas – packed full of passion and taking action while we still can! And, I’m proving it can be done…..just ask my grandkids!!!!

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