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Sunday, August 24, 2014

Happiness is in the Journey -- Not the Destination

“Are we there yet?” We don't hear those words so often today from our kids because they're entertained by their iPads and DVDs in the cars. But, I well remember, as a kid, when my family took the long road trips to West Virginia where my big sister and her family lived, saying those words quite often. I'm "dating" myself, but back in those days -- there was no air conditioning in cars. Whew! It was hot, and all I could think about is getting to our destination where my nieces (the same age as me) awaited me and I'd say repeatedly, "Are we almost there yet?" The beautiful scenery and historical landmarks through Tennessee and Kentucky didn't matter to me on this JOURNEY -- I just wanted the DESTINATION.

Many times, as adults, we, too, get more focused on our destination than being in the moment and enjoying the journey – stopping to take in the scenery, to smell the roses, to recognize an old friend in the crowd, to brighten the day of someone who needs a hug or encouraging word. And, often, in the “journey”, with its twists and turns and bends in the roads is where we are shaped and equipped for what’s waiting for us at our destination. Let’s slow down, just a little bit, today…let’s look around and notice this beautiful world and the beautiful people that are a part of this journey with us! It’s time for us to find true HAPPINESS in the joys and blessings of the journey!

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